Deleting Tasks

Professional Services Cloud

You can delete project tasksClosed and checkpointClosed tasks.


To select more than one task, hold down the CTRL or Command key while clicking a task in the Tasks pane or the Schedule pane.

When you delete a project task:

  • If it is a parent, all the child tasks below it in the hierarchy are deleted.
  • If it is a child, the assignment is also removed.
  • Time entered against it on the Time Entry page is also deleted.
  • If it is the parent project, depending on the value of the DeleteProjectTasksWithProject configuration option, all of the project tasks in the project task hierarchy are also deleted.

To delete tasks:

  1. Select the tasks that you want to delete in the Tasks pane or the Schedule pane.
  2. Right-click the selected tasks.
  3. Click Delete Task(s).
  4. Click Save.