Saving Changes

Professional Services Cloud

In Project Task Gantt fields that contain unsaved changes are indicated with a line . Tasks that contain unsaved changes are indicated with a circle .

To save changes in Project Task Gantt, click Save.

You can view a summary of proposed changes in a dialog box that displays after you click Save. The dialog box summarizes the changes you've made to project tasks, project task assignments and project task dependencies. You can cancel the changes, or confirm the save to commit the changes.

When changes are successfully saved, you are returned to the task you had previously selected. If there are no tasks selected, you are returned to the project row. If multiple tasks are selected, you are returned to the first task in the selection.

After saving, the number of minutes since you last saved changes is displayed next to the Save button.


When you save your changes, you cannot undo them using the Undo button. For information about undoing and redoing changes, see Undoing and Redoing Changes.