Configuring Alerts and Restricted Editing of Project Task Constraints

Professional Services Cloud

You can configure Project Task Gantt to:

  • Display alerts when there is a problem with task constraints.
  • Restrict editing of the dates and hours for task constraints.

Displaying Alerts for Task Constraints

  1. Edit the following settings in Project Task Gantt Settings and Preferences :
    • Alerts - Task dates - Milestone
    • Alerts - Task dates - Project
    • Alerts - Task dates - PTA dates
    • Alerts - Task hours - PTA hours
  2. Edit the page layout for Project Tasks to include the following fields:
    • Flag - Task Dates - No Coverage
    • Flag - Task Dates - Partial Coverage
    • Flag - Task End - Milestone Bounds
    • Flag - Task End - Project Bounds
    • Flag - Task Hours - No Coverage
    • Flag - Task Hours - Partial Coverage
    • Flag - Task Start - Milestone Bounds
    • Flag - Task Start - Project Bounds

Restricting Editing of Dates and Hours for Task Constraints

To restrict editing of dates and hours for task constraints, edit the following settings in Task Management Settings:

  • Restrict Edit - End Date - Milestone
  • Restrict Edit - End Date - Project
  • Restrict Edit - PTA - Dates
  • Restrict Edit - PTA - Hours
  • Restrict Edit - Start Date - Project