Project Task Gantt (Task Manager)

Professional Services Cloud

In Project Task Gantt you can:


When you make changes in Project Task Gantt and Resource and Project Planners, temporary status messages display on the screen. The messages fade after a few seconds. To have your messages persist, move your mouse pointer into the message box.

Support for Dependency Types

Project Task Gantt supports project task dependency relationships between project tasks. See Task Dependency Relationship Types.


To edit tasks in Project Task Gantt by default, you must be the project manager of the project. If you are not the project manager, you can view or edit tasks in Project Task Gantt if you have been assigned the Project Task Gantt View or Project Task Gantt Edit permission control respectively. Your administrator can restrict project manager access, as required by your organization. For more information, see the Project Manager Access setting in Project Task Gantt Settings and Preferences.

When a user selects a project where they are not the project manager, but have been granted the Project Task Gantt View permission control, that project is opened in read-only mode and the user cannot make changes to project tasks.

If a user is not the project manager of a project and has not been granted the Project Task Gantt View permission control for that project, that project is not listed in the Select Project drop-down list.


Project Task Gantt displays and formats numbers and dates according to the locale of your Salesforce user. If you have not changed this, the default locale of your Salesforce organization is used. We recommend that you set the same time zone on your computer and the Salesforce User Time Zone field. If you do not do this, Start and End dates of project tasks may change in ways that you do not expect. To change the locale of your Salesforce user, from Setup click My Personal Information | Personal Information.

If you are working on a very large project with many project tasks, we recommend you create several projects that represent each top-level task, each phase or each deliverable of your project. You can then link them together using a project hierarchy. See Project Hierarchies.

Project Task Gantt does not support framesClosed. This means that you can't use it with the Console tab or Service Cloud Console, or any custom integrations that use frames.


Project Task Gantt works best in screen resolutions of 1280x1024 or higher.

When using Project Task Gantt ensure that your browser zoom level is set to its default setting namely 100%.