Project Task Gantt (Task Manager)
In Project Task Gantt you can:
- View project task details:
- Task name.
- Milestone.
- Assigned resources.
- Start and end dates.
- Duration.
- Estimated, actual and remaining hours.
- Saved notes in plain text format.
- Edit task details before saving your changes.
- View and assign resources to a task, together with resource roles.
- View and assign milestones that tasks are associated with.
- Create new tasks.
- Create tasks based on a work calendar. See Setting up Work Calendars.
- Create a task dependency relationship
between two tasks.
- View tasks on a timeline for a particular week, month, year or date range that you specify.
- View the critical path
of the selected project
- View the effect of changes on dependent tasks.
- Drag tasks to change their start and end dates.
- Edit task labels.
- Delete tasks.
- Identify task dependencies on other tasks in the same project.
- Print the project plan for the selected project.
Support for Dependency Types
Project Task Gantt supports project task dependency relationships between project tasks. See Task Dependency Relationship Types.
To edit tasks in Project Task Gantt by default, you must be the project manager of the project. If you are not the project manager, you can view or edit tasks in Project Task Gantt if you have been assigned the
When a user selects a project where they are not the project manager, but have been granted the Project Task Gantt View permission control, that project is opened in read-only mode and the user cannot make changes to project tasks.
If a user is not the project manager of a project and has not been granted the Project Task Gantt View permission control for that project, that project is not listed in the Select Project drop-down list.