Project Task Gantt Fields

Professional Services Cloud

Here is a description of the fields and buttons in Project Task Gantt.


When editing fields, a red border is displayed around the field if you have entered invalid data. For instance, if you set the End date earlier than the Start date. When this occurs, hover over the field to display the error message.

R – Read-only
E – If the task points are zero, you cannot change the value of this field.

Field   Description
Actual Hours R Hours spent on this task. Rolls up from task time entries on timecards that match any timecard status identified in the Timecard Statuses field of the Task Management Settings custom setting. On parent tasks, this includes hours from child tasks.
Assigned Resources   The resources or roles that have been assigned to the project task. Resources can be internal or external. Roles can be stand-alone, e.g. Architect, or specified for a resource, e.g. John As Architect.
Blocked   Indicates whether there is something preventing this task from being completed.
Do Not Auto Update Parents  

Indicates whether the parent project task is prevented from being updated when the points, dates and status fields are updated on this task.

Duration   Duration of the task in either whole days, hours, hours and minutes, or 0. If you want the task to be a project task, enter a duration in whole days, for example, 2d, or in hours, for example, 14h. If you want hours and minutes, use a colon to separate them, for example 14:50. If you want a checkpoint task, enter 0. If you enter a Start Date but not an End Date, the End Date is calculated when you enter the Duration.
End Date & Time   The date and time on which work for this task is projected to end.
Estimated Hours   Original estimated hours for the task.

You can only edit the estimated hours for sub-tasks rather than for parent tasks. New values are rolled up to the original estimated hours for the parent task.

Estimated Hours to Completion (Task)  

Specifies the estimated hours to completion (ETC) required to finish a project task. When a value is not specified in this field, ETC is not used. When the value is zero, the task is considered complete. When any other value is entered, ETC is considered. For more information about how this field works in conjunction with other fields, see Hours Remaining, Percent Complete (Hours) and Projected Hours fields.

Project tasks have estimated hours on them and as users enter time against tasks, the percent complete can be calculated. However, consultants may also need to estimate the actual percent complete and this could be different if the task's actual time differs to the estimate. For instance, an estimate is 20 hours. After working 10 hours, the consultant knows the task is 75% complete in contrast to 50% complete based on actual hours entered against the estimate.

Hours Remaining   Number of hours remaining to complete the task calculated from estimated hours minus actual hours. When a value is set in Estimated Time to Completion (Task), Hours Remaining is derived from Estimated Time to Completion (Task).
Lag   LagClosed time of a project task dependency relationship. The default lag value is 0. Lag display units are in hours or days. Positive and negative lag values are permitted. A negative lag is effectively an overlap. When a successor task is in hours duration, you can use set the lag in either days or hours durations. When the successor is in days duration you can only set the lag in days duration. If you want the lag in hours duration, you can change the dependent task's duration unit to hours. See the Duration field for more information.
Milestone   Lookup to the milestones on the project task.
Parent Task   The parent task of the project task.
Percent Complete (Hours) R Calculated by default from the Estimated Hours and Actual Hours fields (Actual divided by Estimated Hours multiplied by 100). Displayed to two decimal places.
Percent Complete (Points) E Percentage of the task points that have been completed to date.

If the points field is set to zero, you cannot enter a value in this field.

Points   The burn-down points. For instance, you can assign a complex task a higher number of points than a simpler one. Points roll up to parent tasks. You must ensure that the Points field contains a number greater than or equal to zero. If you use planning pokerClosed to estimate effort or the relative size of a task, we recommend entering a number in the Fibonacci sequenceClosed such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 or 89.
Points Complete E Indicates the number of project task points that are completed. Displayed to two decimal places.
Points Remaining E Indicates the number of project task points that are yet to be completed. Displayed to two decimal places.
Predecessors   When relationships between this task and another task exist, contains the names of tasks that are predecessors of this task.
Project Task Dependency Type   The type of dependency relationship to be applied. See Task Dependency Relationship Types.
Project Task Name   Name of the task.

The maximum length of a project task name is 80 characters. If you enter a project name that contains more than 80 characters, the change will not be saved.

Projected Hours  

Formula field. The sum of Actual Hours and Estimated Time To Completion (Task). When Estimated Time to Completion (Task) is not set, the Projected Hours value uses and displays the value of the Estimated Hours field.

Start Date & Time   The date and time on which work for this task is projected to start.

The status of the project task. Default values are Draft, Planned, Started, Blocked, Complete, and Deferred.


Indicates whether the task is a summary task. A summary contains at least one child task. Information from a child task such as start and end date, percentage complete and points rolls-up to its parent summary task.

WBSClosedElement Number   An identifier which you can use to link the task to an external task management system.

Task and Schedule Pane

Control   Description
  Indicates today's date.
  Task contains unsaved changes.
  A project task assignment alert for your attention. For more information, see Using Project Task Assignment Indicators.
  A critical project task assignment alert for your attention. For more information, see Using Project Task Assignment Indicators.
  Field contains unsaved changes. When displayed, you can undo the changes to the field since the last save.
  Relationship handle. Allows you to create a dependency relationship with another task by dragging the handle to the task that you want to create the relationship with.

  Summary project task. Click the arrow to expand or collapse the child tasks.

  Summary project task that is partially complete. The colored bar provides a visual representation of the % Points Complete field.
  Project task that is partially complete. The colored bar provides a visual representation of the % Points Complete field.

  Project task.

  Expands the Tasks or Schedule pane depending on the pane that you select.



A checkpointClosed. This is a zero day task that represents an event in the project.


checkpoint tasks are not related to milestones.

  Collapses the Tasks or Schedule pane depending on the pane that you select.
  Indicates that a dependency relationship exists between the tasks to which it is connected. Project Task Gantt reflects the lagClosed time and dependency types selected in the project task dependency object. See Project Task Dependency Fields.
  Dependency relationship that is part of the critical pathClosed of the project.
  When viewing the critical path, indicates a project task forming part of the critical path of the project.
  Indicates that you can create a dependency with the task that the cursor is pointing to. Drag the circular icon at the start or end of a task block to one of the circular icons on task that you are creating the relationship with.
  Indicates that you cannot create a dependency with the task that the cursor is pointing. Drag the circular icon at the start or end of a task block to one of the circular icons on task that you are creating the relationship with.
  Indicates the Task has associated notes. Double-click on the icon to launch the Task Editor popup.
  Indicates the Task does not have any associated notes. Double-click on the icon to launch the Task Editor popup.
  Indicates the associated resource has an assignment for the indicated time period.
  Indicates the associated resource is linked to a held resource request.
  Indicates the associated resource is linked to an unheld resource request.
  Indicates the field is required. The project will not save until the fields are completed.


Key: E – Only available in edit mode. If you are not the project manager of the selected project, the option is not displayed.

Button or Control Icon Key Description
%Pts     Toggle to show or hide points completed in the Schedule pane.
%Hrs     Toggle to show or hide hours completed in the Schedule pane.
Critical Path   Displays or hides the critical pathClosed of the project.
Delete   Deletes the selected project tasks.
Expand Tree

  Expands the task hierarchy.
Collapse Tree   Collapses the task hierarchy.
Fit Gantt   Changes the view of the Schedule pane so that all the project tasks fit into the current view of the Schedule pane.
Toggle Full Screen  

Toggles Project Task Gantt to maximize the browser or minimizes Project Task Gantt to fit the Salesforce window.

Note: This functionality is not available if you are using Lightning.

To maximize Project Task Gantt completely, press F11 to toggle browser menus on or off.

Help   Displays the help page for Project Task Gantt.
Preferences Panel   Displays the Project Task Gantt Custom Preferences page. See Project Task Gantt Custom Preferences.
E Changes the parent of the selected task. When you make changes to the hierarchy, the Start and End dates of related tasks such as parent tasks are updated to reflect the changes.
Outdent E
Locate   Brings the selected task into view.
New Task E Creates a new project task.
Assign Resources     Enables you to assign a resource to a task and specify the resource role.
Create Resource Demand   Enables you to select to create resource requests, held resource requests and assignments based on the duration, assigned resources and associated roles and milestones of the project tasksClosed and project task assignments.
View Details   Opens the Project Task Detail page for the selected project tasks.
Print   Prints the project plan.
Redo E Redoes changes that were undone using the Undo button. If the button is not available for selection, there are no changes to redo.
Reload   Reloads the tasks and undoes all of the changes that you made since the last save. Any unsaved changes are discarded.
Resolve Dependencies   Applies dependency rules for tasks that have been created or edited using the standard Salesforce interface. You can also use this button to re-apply dependency rules when the date of a dependent task is changed in task manager.
Return to project   Closes Project Task Gantt and opens the project detail page of the selected project.
Return to PSA Home   Closes Project Task Gantt and opens the PSA Home tab. This button appears on the initial page of Project Task Gantt before any projects are loaded.
Save E

Saves the current changes to the PSA project task records and indicates the last time you saved changes.


This is only displayed if you are the project manager of the selected project. If you are not the project manager, the save button is not displayed and a message appears in its place indicating that only the project manager can make changes.

Search Tasks   Narrows the displayed project tasks based on the text that you enter.

Search results may not be returned if you enter only a few characters in this field. We recommend you use meaningful names for project tasks and search for several characters or whole words.

To search for project tasks assigned to a particular resource, type the name of that resource. Type the name of a resource or role, or a portion of it for that role.

Select Project   Allows you to select a project. If you are the project manager and/or have been granted a valid Project Task Gantt Edit permission control, the project is opened in edit mode and you can make changes. If you are not the project manager, but have been granted the Project Task Gantt View permission control, the project is opened in read-only mode and you cannot make changes to project tasks. If you are not the project manager of the project and have not been granted the Project Task Gantt View permission control for that project, the project is not listed.
Today   Changes the date range shown in the schedule pane so that today's date is in view.
Undo E Allows you to undo changes that you have made in Project Task Gantt for the selected project up to the last save. If the button is not available for selection, there are no changes to undo.
Up Navigation Button E Allows you to move tasks up or down within the displayed view.
Down Navigation Button E
Zoom Day Detail   Changes the display to the "Day Detail" zoom level and displays units of time in the schedule pane in portions of days. To enable Day Detail, see Project Task Gantt Custom Preferences.
Day   Changes the display to the "Day" zoom level and displays units of time in the schedule pane in days.
Note: When a task's duration unit is hours and the Schedule pane is set to the "Day" zoom level, Project Task Gantt does not let you drag the task's start or end date to create a task duration of zero hours. The minimum must always be two hours. We recommend you make your changes with the zoom set to "Day Detail" in the Schedule pane.
Week   Changes the display to the "Week" zoom level and displays units of time in the schedule pane in weeks.
Month   Changes the display to the "Month" zoom level and displays units of time in the schedule pane in months.
Quarter   Changes the display to the "Qtr" zoom level and displays units of time in the schedule pane in quarters.

If the current date (Today) is in view when you change the zoom level, Today remains anchored in the same position. The time span display may increase to accommodate the anchored Today position. If Today is not in view when you change the zoom level, the centered date of the current visible date range remains anchored in the same position. The time span display may increase to accommodate the anchored centered date position.

Print Setup

Setting   Description
Print range field   Select one the following options:
  Complete schedule - print the entire schedule.
  Date range - print only the specified range. You must specify a start date and end date for the range.
  Current view - print only the current view.
Paper format   Select the paper format.
Select columns   Select to select or deselect the columns to print. Options include Start Date & Time, End Date & Time, Project Task Name.
DPI (dots per inch)   The DPI (dots per inch) to print. You can use the DPI setting to adjust the output for your browser printing system or paper type.
Add page number   Select to add the page number to the print output.