Editing Reporting Definitions
ERP Cloud
To customize an existing :
- Click the Reporting Definitions tab, change the list view as necessary, then click the name of the reporting definition you want to edit.
- [Optional] Clone the reporting definition before you begin to customize it. See the related topics for more information.
- Edit the reporting definition using the relevant related list:
Reporting Data Ranges
- Click Edit next to the name of a reporting data range to modify it.
- Click Del next to the name of a reporting data range to remove it.
- Click New Reporting Data Range to define a new data range.
Reporting Prompts
- Click Edit next to the name of a reporting prompt to modify it.
- Click Del next to the name of a reporting prompt to remove it.
- Click Sort to change the order in which prompts are displayed.
- Click New Reporting Prompt to define a new prompt.
Reporting Labels
- Click Edit next to the name of a reporting label to modify it.
- Click Del next to the name of a reporting label to remove it.
- Click New Reporting Label to define a new label.
Reporting Logs
- Click Edit next to the name of a reporting log to modify it.
- Click Del next to the name of a reporting log to remove it.
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