S2S Transaction List

ERP Cloud

This financial statement is the destination definition for drilling on all recommended financial statements except the S2S Balance Sheet - Multi-Company and S2S Balance Sheet Report financial statements.


The S2S Balance Sheet - Multi-Company and S2S Balance Sheet Report financial statements do not include drill functionality. To use the drill feature for these reports, you need to configure them. For more information, see Setting up Reporting Drill Configuration.

You can drill down on the Document formula field which is based on the URL using the formula field on the Transaction Line Item object.

S2S Transaction List

Note: If more than one currency is used in a section of the report, instead of displaying "Subtotal / Total" next to a value, you will see "Mixed Currency".

Refer to the reporting definition data sheet below for information about how this financial statement is calculated. The display names of labels, rows, and columns are user-defined.

Reporting Definition Data Sheet





Report Total Label L01 The sum of transaction line items.