Reporting Definition Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields that make up a reporting definitionClosed. Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Key: * – Mandatory field
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Reporting Definition Detail

Reporting Definition Detail Fields
Field Label     Description
Reporting Definition Name * 80 Unique name of the reporting definition.
Title * 255 Title of the report.
Description   255 Description of the reporting definition.
Reporting Template   255 For future use.
Reporting Template * 255 Name of the related reporting templateClosed to use to format the report.
Reporting Drill Definition     The destination definition for the drill feature.
View Style Sheet * 255 Name of the style sheet used when viewing the report. If undefined, the application uses the default style sheet. See next section for more details.
Print Style Sheet     Name of the style sheet used when printing the report. If undefined, the application uses the default style sheet. See next section for more details.

Reporting Options

Reporting Options Fields
Field Label     Description
Display Prompts     Indicates that you want to display prompted information on the report.
Logo Image   255 Name of the static resource that stores the logo image file that you want to display on the report. See Setting up Report Printing for more information.
Logo R   Displays the selected logo for confirmation.
Print Chatter Feed     Indicates that you want to include a snapshot of the current state of the Chatter feed on the report. This snapshot is retained when you save as PDF, but not when you save as Excel.
Allow Expand and Collapse     Indicates that you want to be able to expand and collapse the data in your reports when viewing them in Reporting.
Display Currency Symbol     Indicates that you want to display the currency symbol that corresponds with the Home or Dual value on the report.

Style Sheets

The following CSS style sheets are installed by the Reporting package. They are installed as static resourcesClosed. Click Your Name | Setup | Develop | Static Resources to display the Static Resources list page.

  • ReportingDefaultStyles.css
  • ReportingPrintStylesA4Landscape.css
  • ReportingPrintStylesA4Portrait.css
  • ReportingPrintStylesLetterLandscape.css
  • ReportingPrintStylesLetterPortrait.css

The default style sheet is used on all templates. You can add an override style sheet to the reporting definition to adjust the layout when viewing or printing your report.

Reporting Logs

A related list of reporting logs is displayed on the Reporting Definitions detail page.