Recommended Financial Statements

ERP Cloud

Reporting Spring 2020 comes with a range of recommended financial statements. Each financial statement is unique, but many include one or more of the following features:

  • Currency symbol display: enables you to see the relevant currency within your reports.
  • Collapsible rows and groups: enable you to collapse and expand the rows and groups within your reports.
  • Column headings and subsections: enable you to order and group the information contained in your reports.
  • Drill down functionality: enables you to further examine the data contained in your reports.

To add these features to the reporting definition layout, an administrator must perform the following step using the Feature Console:

  • Post-upgrade steps for Reporting.

For more information, see Enabling and Disabling Features.

For information about drill configuration, see Setting up Reporting Drill Configuration. For information about reporting definition fields, see Reporting Definition Fields.

See the Reference topics below for information about each financial statement.