S2S Balance Sheet - Multi-Company

ERP Cloud

This financial statement has the following features:

  • Currency symbol display. Select Display Currency Symbol in the reporting definition to enable this feature.
  • Collapsible rows. Select Allow Expand and Collapse in the reporting definition to enable this feature.
  • Retained earnings. Historical profit that is not brought forward is displayed in the Retained Earnings section (if you import the reporting definition).
  • Up to three companies supported in this financial statement. You can add or remove companies as required.
  • Rows 21 to 90 show reversed signs (credits are displayed as positive and debits are displayed as negative).
  • Only row totals are displayed for rows 91 to 99.

To use the S2S Balance Sheet - Multi-Company report, you must update the company filters.

S2S Balance Sheet - Multi-Company

Refer to the reporting definition data sheet below for information about how this financial statement is calculated. The display names of labels, rows, and columns are user-defined.

Reporting Definition Data Sheet





Total Assets Label L12 The sum of rows 1 to 20.
Total Liabilities Label L13 The sum of rows 21 to 40.
Total Equity Label L14 The sum of rows 41 to 90.
Total Liabilities Equity Label L15 The sum of rows 21 and higher.