Vendor Remittances

ERP Cloud

There are two ways that you can send remittances to your vendors:

  • From the Mass Email tab.
  • Direct from the Payments page.

To send mass email you need to have access to the following items:

If your administratorClosed has installed the Accounting Reporting Expansion Pack, you will have access to a selection of sample email templates designed for this purpose. See Administrator Setup (First Install) for more information.

The recipient is the contact defined in the Finance Contact custom account field. All records returned must have a finance contact on the related account, and that contact must have an email address.

See the list of related topics for more information.

To send remittances direct from the Payment page:

  1. Click Remittances at the end of the Payments process.
  2. Select an email template from the list.
  3. Click Send. This creates a mass email batch automatically. Only payments with a status of "Matched" are included. Collections are excluded.You are notified of the success or failure of this operation.