Creating Objective KPIs

You can create an objective KPI and associate it with:

  • A new objective. You can do this when creating a new objective from either the Actions panel or Success Tracker. This enables you to create objective KPIs with values up to two decimal places.
  • An existing objective. You can do this from:

    • The objective's record page
    • The Objective KPIs tab
    • Success Tracker

    This enables you to create objective KPIs with values up to four decimal places.

An objective KPI can only have one objective associated with it. However, an objective can have multiple objective KPIs.

Creating Objective KPIs when Creating an Objective

You can create objective KPIs and automatically associate them with a new objective. To do this, create an objective from either the Actions panel or Success Tracker. For more information, see Creating Objectives.

Creating Objective KPIs for an Existing Objective

You can create an objective KPI for an existing objective as follows:

  • On an objective's record page.
  • On the Objective KPIs tab.
  • In Success Tracker:
    • In the Success Tracker tab of the related success plan's record page if the objective KPI belongs to an objective that is associated with a success plan.
    • In the Success Plans tab of the related account's record page if the objective KPI belongs to an objective that is associated with an account. If you cannot view this tab, contact your administrator.
    • In the Record Details panel of Success Tracker if the related objective is associated with a success plan.

If an objective is not associated with either a success plan or an account, you must create it from either the Objectives tab or the related objective's record page.

You can create an objective KPI in one of the following ways: