Submitting a Purchase Agreement for Approval

The approval process in your organization depends on the process your administrator has chosen and might differ from the process described here.

You can approve a purchase agreement as follows:

  1. Click the Purchase Agreements tab.
  2. Open the purchase agreement that you want to submit for approval.
  3. On the record page, click Submit for Approval.
Note: Purchase agreements must contain at least one purchase agreement line to have a status of "Submitted for Approval" or "Approved".

After you submit a purchase agreement for approval its status changes to "Submitted for Approval" and you can no longer edit it or delete it. If your purchase agreement then gets approved in the approval process, its status changes to "Approved". Approved agreements cannot be edited or deleted. Once a purchase agreement is approved and activated, you must create a change request to modify it. For more information, see Change Requests.