Creating a Purchase Agreement from a Requisition

You can create a purchase agreement from a requisition as follows:

  1. Click the Requisitions tab.
  2. Open the requisition you want to create a purchase agreement from.
  3. Click Create Purchase Agreement.
  4. Enter a date in the Start Date field.
  5. Enter a supplier site in the Supplier Site field. This field is automatically populated if there is a supplier site in the requisition already.
  6. [Optional] Complete the remaining fields as required. For more information, see Purchase Agreement Fields.
  7. Click Create.
  • Only the following requisition line types are supported: Item, Description, Category, and Capital Equipment.

  • Requisition line items with a status of "Cancelled" or "Disapproved" are ignored when creating the purchase agreement.

  • Requisition line items with a status of “Placed on a Purchase Order” are unsupported. If any of the line items on the requisition has this status, you receive an error when trying to create the agreement .

  • To create a purchase agreement from a requisition:

    • The requisition must have a status of "Open" and an approval status of "Approved".

    • The requisition can only contain line items of the supported line types.

    • The requisition must contain at least one requisition line item in a status other than "Canceled", "Disapproved", or “Placed on a Purchase Order".