Milestone-Based Budget Consumption Fields

You can view the PSA Milestone-Based Budget Consumption grid in the Consumption tab of a budget record, although an administrator can configure it to be displayed elsewhere on the page.

The grid provides the list of the milestones that are consuming the budget. The permissions required to use this component are listed in Permission for the Milestone-Based Budget Consumption Lightning Component.


This feature is only supported if PSA is configured to track the consumption of individual budgets. For more information, see Track Consumption of Individual Budgets.


The following columns are displayed in the Milestone-Based Budget Consumption grid. The values in these columns are derived from the respective fields in the related milestone record.

Milestone-Based Budget Consumption Grid Columns
Name Description
Milestone Name

The name of the milestone. You can click to navigate to the milestone.

Budget Allocation The budget allocation associated with the milestone. You can click to navigate to the budget allocation.
Amount Allocated

The amount allocated to the milestone to consume. This amount is derived from the Milestone Amount field in the related milestone.


Milestones only consume budgets of type “Customer Purchase Order” or “Customer Purchase Order Change Request”.

Actual Date Actual date of completion.
Approved for Billing

If selected, the milestone is approved for billing.


The toolbar above the Milestone-Based Budget Consumption grid contains:

Fields and Buttons in the Toolbar
Field or Button Description
Search Enter a search string then press Enter to find rows where one of the following columns contains the search string:
  • Milestone Name
  • Budget Allocation

The search is case-insensitive.