Notifying Users When Consumption of a Budget Exceeds a Threshold

PSA can notify the project manager when a certain percentage of a budget has been consumed. This keeps the project manager informed about how much of the budget remains. The same notification is also sent to the contact identified in the project's Alert Recipient field (if populated).

You can set two alert thresholds on a budget. For example, you might want notifications to be sent when 75% of the budget amount has been consumed, and when 100% of the budget amount has been consumed.

To set alert thresholds on a budget:

  1. Ensure that PSA is set up to use budget allocations as explained in Setting up PSA to Track Consumption of Individual Budgets.
  2. Open the budget that you want to apply thresholds to.
  3. Enter a percentage in Amount Consumed Alert Threshold 1.
  4. [Optional] Enter another percentage in Amount Consumed Alert Threshold 2.
  5. Save your changes.

When the amount consumed on the budget exceeds either threshold, Salesforce notifications are sent. For example, if the budget amount is 12,000 and the thresholds are 75% and 100%, notifications are sent when the amount consumed reaches 9,000 and again when it reaches 12,000. Clicking the notification opens the budget record page.


If both thresholds are exceeded at the same time, a notification is sent for the higher threshold only.

Notifications are sent the first time a threshold is exceeded. They are not repeated each time the amount consumed increases further.


The information in the notification message includes the budget name and amount, the threshold percentage that has been exceeded, the amount that has been consumed, and the amount that remains. Ensure that the contact entered in a project's Alert Recipient field is authorized to view this information.

The Alert Recipient field is added to the project record page when the Project Tracking Against Billing Cap feature is enabled in the Feature Console. If this feature is not enabled, your administrator must add the field to the page layout manually.