Releasing Single Billing Events When Billing Is Capped at Budget Level

The page contains examples of releasing a single billing event when budgets are capped for billing. Examples 1 - 2 illustrate cases where the billing event is released in full. Examples 3 - 5 illustrate cases where billing event optimization occurs. For an explanation of billing event optimization, see Billing Event Optimization for Capped Budgets.

For examples of releasing multiple billing events, see Releasing Multiple Billing Events When Billing Is Capped at Budget Level.


When a business record is billed, the budget that it's allocated to is stored in the Allocated Budget field on the resulting billing event item. If two or more budgets in a project have the same customer reference, business records allocated to those budgets can be billed in the same billing event. This can mean that when releasing a billing event, some of its billing event items are within their budget cap and can be released, whereas other billing event items exceed their budget cap and cannot be released. See Example 5 for an illustration of this.