Releasing Billing Events

After generating billing events or billing event batches, you can select and release them to your finance system to convert to invoices and credit notes. Contact your administrator if you cannot release billing events.

We recommend that you release billing events before you mark them as invoiced in PSA.


Releasing Single Billing Events

To release a single billing event:

  1. Open a billing event record from the Billing Event tab or the Billing Events list view in a project.
  2. Click the Release quick action.
  3. In the confirmation message, click Release.

You can also select single billing events from the other tabs, list views, and the API listed in the table.

The billing event is released and the Released checkbox is selected on the billing event and its billing event items. The Billed checkbox is also selected on any associated business records.


When you release a billing event via the Release quick action, if billing is capped at project or budget level, a message might be displayed giving you the option to split and release the billing event. For more information, see Releasing Single Billing Events When Billing Is Capped at Project Level or if billing is capped at budget level see Billing Event Optimization for Capped Budgets.

Releasing Multiple Billing Events

To release multiple billing events:

  1. Open the Billing Events Awaiting Release tab.
  2. In the grid, select the billing events you want to release then click Release.
  3. In the confirmation message, click Release. The release process runs in the background (asynchronously).

The billing events are released and the Released checkbox is selected on the billing events and their billing event items. The Billed checkbox is also selected on any associated business records. The billing events are removed from the grid when the job has completed and the page is refreshed.

If any billing events fail to be released, you are informed via a notification and via email depending on the notification options chosen in the Billing Settings custom setting. You can view more information about a failure by clicking the View Status button on the Billing Events Awaiting Release tab.

Releasing Multiple Billing Events via Classic or Visualforce Pages


When you release billing events in bulk from a Visualforce page, the process runs synchronously or asynchronously depending on whether the number of selected billing event items exceeds the number set in the releaseBatchSize configuration option (Billing configuration group):

We recommend you bulk release from the Billing Events Awaiting Release tab which always triggers the release process to run asynchronously. Visualforce pages are no longer being updated to support new features.

To release multiple billing events using the Billing Event Generation tab:

  1. Select billing events or batches from the list in the Process Billing Events section.
  2. Click Release.

To release multiple billing events using the Billing Events list view:

  1. Select billing events from the table.
  2. Click Release.

To release multiple billing events using the Billing Event Batches list view:

  1. Select billing event batches from the table.
  2. Click Release.

You can find information about any failures via the app logs listed in the Processing Status section on the Billing Event Generation page. A link to the Billing Event Generation page is included in an information message if the Project Tracking Against Billing Cap feature is enabled in the Feature Console. You can view more information about a failure by clicking the View Status button on the Billing Events Awaiting Release tab.