Revenue Forecast Setup Fields

The Revenue Forecast Setup object includes the following fields.

See also Setting up Forecasting.

Setup Details

Key: Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Fields in the Setup Details Section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Record
Field Description
Active Indicates the revenue forecast setup record used for revenue forecast calculations. You can only have one active revenue forecast setup record.
Revenue Forecast Setup Name The revenue forecast setup record identifier. The format is RFS followed by a generated number.

General Settings

Key: Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Fields in the General Settings Section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Record
Field Description

Default Value

Enable Cost Forecasting Indicates cost forecasts are calculated. Cost Forecasting runs immediately after Revenue Forecasting. Deselected
Exclude from Forecast RR Field The API name, including namespace, of the checkbox field on the Resource Request object that controls whether a resource request is excluded from forecast calculations. If the checkbox field is selected on the record, the record is excluded. You can use an existing checkbox field or create a new one on the Resource Request object. None
Resource Request Bill Rate Field The API name, including namespace, of a numeric field on the Resource Request object you want PSA to use instead of the bill rate in deliverable forecast calculations for projects and opportunities. The field must be a Number, Currency, or Percent field type, or must be a formula field that returns one of these field types. If left blank, PSA uses the value in the Suggested Bill Rate Number field instead. If that field is also blank, PSA uses the value in the Requested Bill Rate field.  None

Project Settings

Key: * – Mandatory field
Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Fields in the Project Settings Section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Record



Default Value

Actuals Cutoff Day   The day of the week that serves as the cutoff day when using the Use Mid Month Forecast Calculations setting to obtain accurate scheduled hours for the current month. Scheduled hours that fall on or before the cutoff day are excluded. The cutoff day is the most recent day of the week that matches the day of the week selected. For example, if today is Friday and you have selected Sunday as your cutoff day, all of the scheduled hours in the week up to and including last Sunday are excluded from forecast calculations for the current monthly time period. Similarly, if today is Friday and you have selected Friday as your cutoff day, all of the scheduled hours in the week up to and including last Friday are excluded. None
Assignment % Complete Weighting Field   The API name of the number field on the Assignment object you want PSA to use when calculating weighting on % Complete forecasts. You must include the namespace, for example pse__Custom_Field__c. You can use an existing number field (for example, Cost Rate Amount) or create your own custom field. The custom field must be a Number, Currency, or Percent field type, or must be a formula field that returns one of those field types. None
Assignment Bill Rate Field   The API name, including namespace, of a numeric field on the Assignment object you want PSA to use instead of the bill rate in deliverable forecast calculations. The field must be a Number, Currency, or Percent field type, or must be a formula field that returns one of these field types. If left blank, PSA uses the value in the Bill Rate field on the assignment record. None
Custom Date for Deliverable Expenses  

The API name, including namespace, of the custom field on the Expense object you want PSA to use to determine the monthly time period the relevant deliverable expenses are added to. This enables you to control the month in which revenue or costs are placed. The custom field can be a formula field if you want the date to update automatically each month. The date in this field must fall within a monthly time period of the forecast for the revenue or costs to be included and must be a day in the month you want the revenue or costs to appear in.


If this field is not completed, the expense date is used.

Custom Date for Deliverable Milestones  

The API name, including namespace, of the custom field on the Milestone object you want PSA to use to determine the monthly time period the relevant deliverable milestones are added to. This enables you to control the month in which revenue or costs are placed. The custom field can be a formula field if you want the date to update automatically each month. The date in this field must fall within a monthly time period of the forecast for the revenue or costs to be included and must be a day in the month you want the revenue or costs to appear in.


If this field is not completed, the milestone actual date is used or, if there is no actual date, the target date is used.

Custom Date for Deliverable Misc Adjusts  

The API name, including namespace, of the custom field on the Misc Adjustment object you want PSA to use to determine the monthly time period the relevant deliverable misc adjustments are added to. This enables you to control the month in which revenue or costs are placed. The custom field can be a formula field if you want the date to update automatically each month. The date in this field must fall within a monthly time period of the forecast for the revenue or costs to be included and must be a day in the month you want the revenue or costs to appear in.


If this field is not completed, the misc adjustment effective date is used.

Exclude from Forecast Assignment Field   The API name, including namespace, of the checkbox field on the Assignment object that controls whether an assignment is excluded from forecast calculations. If the checkbox field is selected on the record, the record is excluded. You can use an existing checkbox field or create a new one on the Assignment object. None
Exclude Actuals After Cutoff Day  

Indicates that Revenue Forecasting excludes from % Complete forecasts any actuals that are after the specified cutoff day. This setting is used in conjunction with the Use Mid Month Forecast Calculations and Actuals Cutoff Day settings.

For example, if the specified actuals cutoff day is Sunday and the forecast is run on Tuesday, Revenue Forecasting excludes any actuals for Monday and Tuesday and also actuals for any upcoming days.

Exclude Scheduled Hrs in Closed Periods   Indicates that scheduled hours in closed periods for projects and milestones are excluded from calculations for % Complete revenue. Deselected
Exclude Resource Requests on Project   Indicates that resource requests relating to projects and milestones are excluded from forecast calculations. Deselected
Include Unheld RRs with Schedules   Indicates that unheld resource requests with an associated schedule are included in forecast calculations. Deselected
Include Unheld RRs without Schedules   Indicates that unheld resource requests without an associated schedule are included in forecast calculations. Deselected
RR % Complete Weighting Field   The API name, including namespace, of the number field on the Resource Request object you want PSA to use when calculating weighting on % Complete forecasts. You can use an existing number field (for example, Average Cost Rate Number) or create your own custom field. The custom field must be a Number, Currency, or Percent field type, or must be a formula field that returns one of those field types. None
Total Hours Field on Project * The API name of the field on the Project object you want PSA to use to calculate the value in the % Hours Completed for Recognition field. You can select from:
  • Estimated_Hours_at_Completion__c
  • Planned_Hours__c
Alternatively, you can create your own field and add it to the picklist.
Note: PSA uses the value in the Estimated Hours at Completion field as the denominator for the calculation if there is no active revenue forecast setup record.
Total Revenue Field on Project   The API name, including namespace, of a numeric field on the Project object you want PSA to use as the total revenue for fixed fee projects. The field must be a Number, Currency, or Percent field type, or must be a formula field that returns one of these field types. If left blank, PSA uses the value in the Bookings field on the project record. None
Total Revenue Field on Milestone   The API name, including namespace, of a numeric field on the Milestone object you want PSA to use as the total revenue for forecasted milestones. The field must be a Number, Currency, or Percent field type, or must be a formula field that returns one of these field types. If left blank, PSA uses the value in the Milestone Amount field on the milestone record. None
Use Mid Month Forecast Calculations   Indicates that any scheduled hours that fall on or before the cutoff day are excluded and only actual hours are included in the forecast calculations. This setting is used in conjunction with the Actuals Cutoff Day field and applies to calculations for the Deliverable and % Complete recognition methods. Deselected
Use Sched and Actual Hrs for % Complete  

Indicates that if the total number of scheduled and actual hours on projects and milestones exceeds the value in the field specified in Total Hours Field on Project, the total number of scheduled and actual hours is used as the denominator to calculate the value in the % Hours Completed for Recognition field.

Use Weighting for % Complete   Indicates that weighting is applied to % Complete forecast calculations for scheduled and actual hours on assignments and resource requests. Use the Assignment % Complete Weighting Field and RR % Complete Weighting Field settings to specify the fields you want PSA to use in the calculations. Deselected

Opportunity Settings

Key: * – Mandatory field
Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Fields in the Opportunity Settings Section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Record
Field Description

Default Value

Exclude Probability from Opportunities Indicates probabilities are not applied to opportunity forecasts. Deselected
Expected Project End Date Field on Opp The API name, including namespace, of the field on the Opportunity object you want to use as the expected project end date, for example pse__Custom_End_Date__c. You must create your own field on the Opportunity object to contain this date. When used in conjunction with Expected Project Start Date Field on Opp, this field enables PSA to determine the expected project duration for use in forecast calculations.
Expected Project Start Date Field on Opp The API name, including namespace, of the field on the Opportunity object you want to use as the expected project start date, for example pse__Custom_Start_Date__c. You can either use an existing field, such as Close Date, or create your own field on the Opportunity object to contain this date. When used in conjunction with Expected Project End Date Field on Opp, this field enables PSA to determine the expected project duration for use in forecast calculations. None
Include RRs on Opportunities Indicates resource requests are included in opportunity forecast calculations. Deselected

Forecast Version Settings

Key: Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Fields in the Forecast Version Settings Section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Record
Field Description

Default Value

Custom Filter Field Set The API name of the field set on the Revenue Forecast Version Detail object that contains the project, opportunity, and milestone fields you want to use as custom filters on the Review Forecast Version page.
Note: If it is a field set from a managed package, you must include its namespace.
Hover Details Field Set on Milestone

The API name of the field set on the Milestone object that controls the hover details displayed for a milestone in the Forecast Breakdown grid. If it is a field set from a managed package, you must include its namespace, for example pse__SelectProjectTemplateFieldSet. We recommend you add a maximum of 10 fields to the field set.

Note: Where there is a lookup to another object on the Milestone object, although it is possible to add fields from the lookup object into the Milestone field set, these are not supported and are not displayed in the hover details.

If you do not enter a field set, the following fields are displayed by default when you hover over a milestone:

  • Target Date
  • Actual Date
  • Milestone Amount
  • Planned Hours
Hover Details Field Set on Opportunity

The API name of the field set on the Opportunity object that controls the hover details displayed for an opportunity in the Forecast Breakdown grid. If it is a field set from a managed package, you must include its namespace, for example pse__SelectProjectTemplateFieldSet. We recommend you add a maximum of 10 fields to the field set.

Note: Where there is a lookup to another object on the Opportunity object, although it is possible to add fields from the lookup object into the Opportunity field set, these are not supported and are not displayed in the hover details.

If you do not enter a field set, the following fields are displayed by default when you hover over an opportunity:

  • Amount
  • Opportunity Owner
  • Probability (%)
  • Close Date
Hover Details Field Set on Project The API name of the field set on the Project object that controls the hover details displayed for a project in the Forecast Breakdown grid. If it is a field set from a managed package, you must include its namespace, for example pse__SelectProjectTemplateFieldSet. We recommend you add a maximum of 10 fields to the field set.
Note: Where there is a lookup to another object on the Project object, although it is possible to add fields from the lookup object into the Project field set, these are not supported and are not displayed in the hover details.

If you do not enter a field set, the following fields are displayed by default when you hover over a project:
  • Bookings
  • Project Manager
  • Start Date
  • End Date
Include Best Case Indicates the best case threshold is applied to forecasts. Deselected
Include Worst Case Indicates the worst case threshold is applied to forecasts. Deselected
Object for Version Grouping The object that projects and opportunities are grouped under on the Review Forecast Version page.
Note: If you do not select an object from the picklist or if there is no active revenue forecast setup record, projects and opportunities are automatically grouped by region on the Review Forecast Version page.
Opportunity Best Case Threshold (%) The minimum percentage probability for an opportunity to be included in the best case scenario. None
Opportunity Expected Threshold (%) The minimum percentage probability for an opportunity to be included in the expected scenario. 0
Opportunity Worst Case Threshold (%) The minimum percentage probability for an opportunity to be included in the worst case scenario. None
Persist Adjustments Across Versions Indicates that any suitable adjustments in a forecast version are copied into the next version that is generated, including notes. Deselected
Respect Permission Controls

Indicates that permission controls are respected when viewing or adjusting forecast versions on the Review Forecast Version page. View or adjust permission controls provide access to regions, practices, groups, projects and opportunities. For example, when a forecast is grouped by a region, permission controls for regions are applied.


When false, permission controls are not applied on the Review Forecast Version page.


Regardless of this field, PSA permission sets are still always required to view and review forecasts and forecast versions. For more information, see Permission Sets.


Forecast Batch Settings

Key: Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Fields in the Forecast Batch Settings Section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Record
Field Description Default Value
Exclude Opportunities Indicates that opportunities are excluded from revenue forecast scheduled jobs. Deselected
Forecast Factor Batch Size The number of records to be processed at the same time, such as timecards and expenses. You must enter a whole number from 1 to 2,000. 1,000
Maximum Concurrent Jobs

The maximum number of queueable Apex jobs for forecasting that can be run at the same time. You must enter a whole number from 1 to 100.

Enter a value based on the number of asynchronous Apex jobs you expect to be available when the forecast runs. Running more jobs at once means the overall process will finish more quickly, however, bear in mind that performance might vary at different times of day because the speed at which the jobs run depends on availability.

For more information on Queueable Apex, see the Salesforce Apex Developer Guide.

Opportunity Batch Size The number of opportunities and opportunity line items to be processed at the same time. You must enter a whole number from 1 to 2,000. 200
Opportunity Scheduler Batch Size The number of opportunities to be scheduled for processing at the same time. You must enter a whole number from 1 to 2,000. 200
Project Batch Size The number of projects to be processed at the same time. You must enter a whole number from 1 to 20. 10
Project Scheduler Batch Size The number of projects to be scheduled for processing at the same time. You must enter a whole number from 1 to 2,000. 200

Forecast Version Batch Settings

Key: Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Fields in the Forecast Version Batch Settings Section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Record
Field Description Default Value
Exclude Opportunities for Versions Indicates that opportunities are excluded from forecast version scheduled jobs. Deselected
Exclude Unscheduled Revenue for Versions Indicates that any unscheduled revenue on projects or milestones is excluded from forecast version scheduled jobs. Deselected
Version Detail Batch Size The number of version detail records to be processed at the same time. 2,000
Version Forecast Period The forecast period covered by the forecast version. The options available are:
  • Rolling 3 Months
  • Rolling 6 Months
  • Rolling 12 Months
  • Current Quarter
  • Current and Next Quarter
  • Current Year
The version forecast period uses the end date recorded on the relevant time period record to work out the current month, quarter, or year.

The Rolling [n] Months options include the current month (based on the end date of the monthly time period) plus the relevant number of months that follow. For example, Rolling 6 Months includes the current month plus the next five months.
Rolling 3 Months
Version Forecast Period Override

The rolling number of months covered by a forecast version. This overrides the option selected from the Version Forecast Period field and enables you to set a custom period. You must enter a value of between 1 and 24. If this field is empty, the value in the Version Forecast Period field is used.

The value in this field includes the current month. For example, if you enter 5 in this field, the current month is included and plus the next four months.


Revenue Management Integration

Key: Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Fields in the Revenue Management Integration Section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Record
Field Description Default Value
Retain Pending Costs in Closed Periods

This field only applies when you are not using the integration between PSA and Revenue Management.

Indicates that Cost Forecasting retains the total approved costs from the previous forecast run for any closed time period. Any remaining pending costs created in a closed time period after the period was closed are included in the forecast for the next open period.

Retain Pending Revenue in Closed Periods

This field only applies when you are not using the integration between PSA and Revenue Management.

Indicates that Revenue Forecasting retains actuals from the previous forecast run for any closed time period. Any remaining pending actuals created in a closed time period after the period was closed are included in the forecast for the next open period.

Exclude Revenue Recognition Actuals Indicates that the integration between PSA and Revenue Management is disabled. Revenue recognition actuals from the integration are no longer included in forecast calculations. Deselected


The following buttons are available.

Buttons Available on a Revenue Forecast Setup Record
Button Description
Schedule Forecast Creates a forecast scheduled job.
Schedule Version Creates a forecast version scheduled job.