Viewing Revenue Forecast Records

The Revenue Forecasts related list on a project or opportunity shows the records created by Revenue Forecasting for each time period. If you run Revenue Forecasting more than once for a project or opportunity, the revenue forecasts for that record are overwritten with the latest details. This means if revenue forecast records have been deleted by mistake, they will be recreated the next time you run Revenue Forecasting.

From the Revenue Forecast Types related list, you can click a revenue forecast record to drill down and view a breakdown of the forecast by revenue source. For example, for the "Deliverable: Expense" revenue source you can view details of the following, assuming the value in the Revenue Type field is Actuals:

  • Revenue Recognized to Date
  • Revenue Pending Recognition
  • Actuals (the combined value of the Revenue Recognized to Date and the Revenue Pending Recognition fields)

For revenue sources that apply to both the Actuals and Forecast revenue types, there might be two entries on the Revenue Forecast Types related list. For example, you might see two entries for the "Deliverable: Milestone" revenue source. To find out which revenue type a record relates to, open it and check the Revenue Type field.


From the PSA Administration tab, you can preview the revenue forecast data to see what would be included in a revenue forecast for the selected project if you were to run it now. The previewed data helps you to identify where values in a revenue forecast are coming from. For more information, see Previewing Revenue Forecasts.

You can also view the data using the Revenue Forecasting reports available, see Reporting on Revenue Forecasts.

If you are using the integration between PSA and Revenue Management, you will be interested in the values displayed in the following fields on a revenue forecast record:

  • Revenue Recognized to Date
  • Revenue Pending Recognition

If you are not using the integration between PSA and Revenue Management, you will be interested in the value displayed in the Actuals field on a revenue forecast record. We recommend you remove the following fields from the Revenue Forecast page layout:

  • Revenue Recognized to Date: the value is always zero because this field is only relevant if you are using the Revenue Management integration.
  • Revenue Pending Recognition: contains the same value as the Actuals field so is not required.

For more information on the fields available on the Revenue Forecast and Revenue Forecast Type objects, see Revenue Forecast Fields and Revenue Forecast Type Fields.

For information on the integration between PSA and Revenue Management, see Integration with Revenue Management.

For information on the permissions available for Revenue Forecasting, see Permissions.