Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class AutomatedCollectionsService

The service class related to Reminder emails.



global AutomatedCollectionsService()


global static void sendReminders(Map<Id, Set<Id>> reminderRuleCompaniesByRuleId)

Method used to send reminders for multiple reminder rules that have multiple companies assigned.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
reminderRuleCompaniesByRuleId Map<Id, Set<Id>> - Contains the Reminder Rule Id as the map key and the Set of Accounting Company Ids as map value. If the Set of Accounting Company Ids is empty for a corresponding key, reminders will be sent for all companies assigned to that reminder rule.


global static void sendStatements(Map<Id, Set<Id>> statementRuleCompaniesByRuleId)

Method used to send statements for multiple statements rules that have multiple companies assigned.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
statementRuleCompaniesByRuleId Map<Id, Set<Id>> - Contains the Statement Rule Id as the map key and the Set of Accounting Company Ids as map value. If the Set of Accounting Company Ids is empty for a corresponding key, statements will be sent for all companies assigned to that statement rule.
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