Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class SwitchOnHoldPxService

This service class provides functionality for place on hold and release for payment documents. Note that only sales invoices and payable invoices are currently supported.



global static void switchOnHoldSync(Set<ID> sourceIDs, Boolean onHold)

This service enables you to place on hold documents synchronously.
Depending on the type of document that you are placing on hold, you must have the appropriate custom permission assigned:

  • SalesInvoiceSwitchOnHold (SwitchOnHold Sales Invoices) to place on hold sales invoices
  • PayableInvoiceSwitchOnHold (SwitchOnHold Payable Invoices) to place on hold payable invoices

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sourceIDs Set<ID> Identifies the documents to place on hold. Note that all the IDs in the set must belong to records of the same object. For example, you cannot mix payable invoices and sales invoices.
onHold Boolean Flag, 'true' to place the invoices on hold and 'false' to release them for payment.
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