c2g.CODAAPICashMatching_8_0global with sharing class CODAAPICashMatching_8_0 This service class provides cash matching functionality. Properties
MatchwebService static c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Match(c2g.CODAAPICommon_8_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Configuration configuration, c2g.CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Item[] items, c2g.CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Analysis analysis) This service allows you to match outstanding transactions for a selected account. See "About Cash Matching" in the Certinia Help for more details. Use CashEntryMatch (Process Cash Matching) custom permission to grant permissions on this method. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis web service returns a CODAAPICommon.Reference object. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. //Cash Matching API's Match method can be used to match Sales Invoice to Sales Credit Note. Below is the sample code //to perform that operation. //This is the account to which all SINs and SCNs belong. This is the account that you would choose if you //were doing cash matching from the UI. Account acct = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name ='Cambridge Auto' LIMIT 1]; //Setup the match operation CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Configuration configuration = new CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Configuration(); configuration.Account = CODAAPICommon.getRef(acct.Id, null); //Choose Document or Account depending on the Currency Mode you would choose if you were doing this from the UI. configuration.MatchingCurrencyMode = CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.enumMatchingCurrencyMode.Document; //a4Q4K0000004ICMUA2 is the ID of the period you want to perform the cash matching for. CODAPeriod__c period = [SELECT Id, Name, StartDate__c FROM CODAPeriod__c WHERE Name = '2020/008' AND OwnerCompany__c = 'a4Q4K0000004ICMUA2']; //It can be taken as System.today(); if you want today's date on Cash Matching History Detail. This is the same Matching Date //as you would have chosen on the UI. configuration.MatchingDate = period.StartDate__c; //As the matching is happening today so you can choose today's date. This is the same Discount Date that is provided //from the cash matching UI. configuration.DiscountDate = System.today(); configuration.MatchingPeriod = CODAAPICommon.getRef(period.Id, null); //'32832059', '32832062' and '32832065' are the names of three documents SIN, SCN, Cash Entry(receipt) List<CODATransactionLineItem__c> transLines = [SELECT Id, Name, DocumentOutstandingValue__c, SystemModstamp FROM CODATransactionLineItem__c WHERE Name IN ('32832059', '32832062', '32832065')]; List<CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Item> items = new List<CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Item>(); for (CODATransactionLineItem__c trans : transLines) { CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Item item = new CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Item(); items.add(item); item.TransactionLineItem = CODAAPICommon.getRef(trans.Id, null); item.TransactionLineItemSystemModStamp = trans.SystemModstamp; if (trans.name == '32832059') {//name of TLI for SIN item.Paid = 110.0;//outstanding amount of SIN TLI item.Discount = 0; item.WriteOff = 0; } else if (trans.name =='32832062') {//name of TLI for SCN item.Paid = -22.0;//outstanding amount of SCN TLI item.Discount = 0; item.WriteOff = 0; } else if (trans.name =='32832065') {//name of TLI for CE item.Paid = -88.0;//amount of CE TLI item.Discount = 0; item.WriteOff = 0; } } // Finally, perform the match CODAAPICommon_8_0.Context context = new CODAAPICommon_8_0.Context(); //a4Q4K0000004ICMUA2 is the ID of the current company to which all these documents belong CODACompany__c company = [SELECT Id, Name, CustomerSettlementDiscount__c, CustomerWriteOff__c FROM CODACompany__c WHERE Id = 'a4Q4K0000004ICMUA2']; context.CompanyName = company.Name; CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Analysis analysisInfoAPI = new CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Analysis(); analysisInfoAPI.DiscountGLA = CODAAPICommon.getRef(company.CustomerSettlementDiscount__c, null); analysisInfoAPI.WriteOffGLA = CODAAPICommon.getRef(company.CustomerWriteOff__c, null); CODAAPICommon.Reference matchReference = CODAAPICashMatching_8_0.Match(context, configuration, items, analysisInfoAPI); //Verifying the results now. Below code is optional. System.assert(matchReference.Id != null); //'32832059', '32832062' and '32832065' are the names of TLIs for the documents which you just matched. List<CODATransactionLineItem__c> updatedTransLines = [SELECT Id, MatchingStatus__c, Name, DocumentOutstandingValue__c, Transaction__r.CashEntry__c, SystemModstamp FROM CODATransactionLineItem__c WHERE Name in ('32832059', '32832062', '32832065')]; for (CODATransactionLineItem__c updatedTrans : updatedTransLines) { System.assert(updatedTrans.MatchingStatus__c == 'Matched'); } UnmatchwebService static c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Unmatch(c2g.CODAAPICommon_8_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.Configuration configuration, c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference matchingReference, c2g.CODAAPICashMatchingTypes_8_0.enumUndoReason undoReason) This service allows you to undo a previous match. See "About Cash Matching" in the Certinia Help for more details. Use CashMatchingUndo (Undo Cash Matching) custom permission to grant permissions on this method. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis web service returns a CODAAPICommon.Reference object. |