Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CODAAPIPurchaseInvoiceExpLineTypes_9_0

Holds details of expense line items on the purchase invoice. See "Purchase Invoice Fields" and "What is a Purchase Invoice " in the Certinia Help for more details.


global with sharing class PurchaseInvoiceExpenseLineItem

Holds details of expense line items on the purchase invoice. See "Purchase Invoice Fields" and "What is a Purchase Invoice " in the Certinia Help for more details.


Name Type Description
DateFrom date The start date of the period covered by the expense line.
DateTo date The end date of the period covered by the expense line.
Dimension1 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Name of the Dimension 1 record by which you want to analyze this line item.
Dimension2 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Name of the Dimension 2 record by which you want to analyze this line item.
Dimension3 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Name of the Dimension 3 record by which you want to analyze this line item.
Dimension4 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Name of the Dimension 4 record by which you want to analyze this line item.
EditTaxValue boolean Indicates whether you can edit the tax value once "Complete".
GeneralLedgerAccount c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Reference to the related general ledger account.
LocalGLA c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Reference to the local GLa which is mapped to appropriate corporate GLA through COA.
InputVATCode c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Reference to the related VAT code.
LineDescription string Description of the line item.
NetValue decimal Net value of this expense line.
OwnerCompany c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Company to which this line item belongs.
PurchaseInvoice c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Reference to the purchase invoice to which this line item belongs. Mandatory.
TaxRate1 decimal Tax rate for tax code 1.
TaxRateTotal decimal Composite tax rate for this line item.
TaxValue1 decimal Total value of items posted to tax code 1, before tax. Mandatory.
TaxValueTotal decimal Total value of tax relating to this line item, to two decimal places.
CreatedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference ID of the user who created the record.
LastModifiedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference ID of the user who last modified the record.
CreatedDate datetime Date and time when the record was created.
Id id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
LastModifiedDate datetime Date and time when the record was last modified by a user.
SystemModstamp datetime Date and time when the record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process (such as a trigger).
Name string Unique number allocated to this line item.
IsDeleted boolean Indicates whether the record has been moved to the Recycle Bin (true) or not (false).
CustomFields List<c2g.CODAAPIPurchaseInvoiceExpLineTypes_9_0.CustomField> Reference to the list of user-defined fields that have been exposed with a type 1 integration rule.


global with sharing class PurchaseInvoiceExpenseLineItems

Holds the collection of PurchaseInvoiceExpenseLineItem objects on this purchase invoice.


Name Type Description
LineItemList c2g.CODAAPIPurchaseInvoiceExpLineTypes_9_0.PurchaseInvoiceExpenseLineItem[] Holds the collection of PurchaseInvoiceExpenseLineItems objects on this purchase invoice.


global with sharing class CustomField implements CODAAPICommon.IAPICustomField

Holds the information about the user-defined fields that have been exposed with a type 1 integration rule. See "Integration Rules - Type 1" in the Certinia Help for more details.
The same read and write permissions granted for the Certinia application extend to the Certinia API.


Name Type Description
FieldName string Name of the user-defined field.
Value string Value of the user-defined field.
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