Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class InvoiceUndoConsolidationPxService



global static c2g.InvoiceUndoConsolidationPxService.UndoConsolidationResponse undoConsolidate(c2g.InvoiceUndoConsolidationPxService.UndoConsolidationRequest request)

Undoes consolidation of the supplied sales invoice provided that they are valid. The sales invoice are valid if all of the following are true:
- They are identified as consolidated.
- This method checks if user has sales invoice consolidation permission assigned or not.
- Supplied superseded sales invoices are of superseded status.
- Consolidated sales invoice has line items of supplied superseded sales invoices.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request c2g.InvoiceUndoConsolidationPxService.UndoConsolidationRequest Contains the information needed to undo consolidation of sales invoice line items.

Return Value

A response containing the results of the UndoConsolidationRequest.


global with sharing class UndoConsolidationRequest

This class provides the information required to undo the consolidation of sales invoice line items.


Name Type Description
ConsolidatedSalesInvoiceIds Set<Id> ID of consolidated sales invoice to be undo consolidated, identified by ID.
SupersededSalesInvoiceIds Set<Id> Optional. Set of IDs of superseded sales invoices to be undo consolidated, identified by ID.



global UndoConsolidationRequest(Set<Id> ConsolidatedSalesInvoiceIds, Set<Id> SupersededSalesInvoiceIds)

Creates a new UndoConsolidationRequest for the given sales invoice IDs.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
ConsolidatedSalesInvoiceIds Set<Id> The IDs of the consolidated sales invoice to be undo consolidated.
SupersededSalesInvoiceIds Set<Id> The set of IDs of the superseded sales invoices to be undo consolidated.


global UndoConsolidationRequest(Set<Id> ConsolidatedSalesInvoiceIds)

Creates a new UndoConsolidationRequest for the given sales invoice IDs.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
ConsolidatedSalesInvoiceIds Set<Id> The IDs of the consolidated sales invoice to be undo consolidated.


global with sharing class UndoConsolidationResponse extends Response

The response returned by the UndoConsolidationRequest. Contains the IDs of the sales invoice that have been reinstated with the “In Progress” status, processRunID of batch process and any errors produced by the process. If an error occurs, the process rolls back. The ID of any sales invoice line item related to the error is included in the response.


Name Type Description
UndoConsolidationIds Set<Id> Set of IDs of the original sales invoice that have been reinstated as a result of the undo consolidation process.
ProcessRunId Id ID of the batch process for undoing consolidated sales invoices.



global UndoConsolidationResponse()


global Map<Id, List<String>> getMessages()

This method returns errors that are generated in the response.

Return Value

A Map containing a list of the errors generated for each record ID.

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