Sample Period End Playbook Templates

The Sample Period End Playbook Templates include task templates, notes, and guidelines to help you create your period end playbooks and tasks. Note that the templates might not cover all of your period end requirements, but you can customize them to add additional procedures.

Sample Period End Playbook Templates Overview

You can use the following playbook templates to generate new period end playbooks:

  • Sample Single-Company Period End Template
  • Sample Multi-Company Period End Template

Sample Single-Company Period End Template

You can use this template to plan your period end activities for a single accounting company. It contains the following task templates:

Sample Single-Company Period End Tasks Templates
Task Description Further Information

Bank Reconciliation

You can use this task template to complete your bank reconciliation activities in a single accounting company. About Bank Reconciliation

Accounts Receivable Reconciliation

You can use this task template to reconcile your accounts receivable transactions.  

Accounts Payable Reconciliation

You can use this task template to reconcile your accounts payable transactions.

Single Company Allocations

You can use this task template to split costs and revenue in a single accounting company. About Allocations


You can use this task template to create, post, and reverse journals in a single accounting company. Journals Home

Depreciation Journals

You can use this task template to generate depreciation schedules and associated journals in a single accounting company in Fixed Asset Management.

Generating Depreciation Schedules from a Fixed Asset Process


Generating Depreciation Schedules and Journals from a Fixed Asset Process

Sample Multi-Company Period End Template

You can use this template to plan your period end activities for multiple accounting companies. It contains the following task templates:

Sample Multi-Company Period End Task Templates
Task Description Further Information

Intercompany Reconciliation

You can use this task template to complete intercompany transaction and balance reconciliation. About Bank Reconciliation
Cross-Company Allocations You can use this task template to split costs and revenue across multiple accounting companies. About Allocations
Automated Elimination You can use this task template to complete elimination of intercompany transactions for group reporting. About Automated Eliminations
Currency Revaluation You can use this task template to revaluate and translate foreign currency transactions for multiple accounting companies. About Currency Revaluation and Translation
Depreciation Journals You can use this task template to generate depreciation schedules and associated journals for multiple accounting companies in Fixed Asset Management.

Generating Depreciation Schedules from a Fixed Asset Process


Generating Depreciation Schedules and Journals from a Fixed Asset Process

Period Close You can use this task to complete the soft and hard period closing for multiple accounting companies to prevent further posting of documents. About Financial Years and Periods

Generating the Sample Period End Playbook Templates

You can generate the sample period end playbook templates and associated task templates from the Sample Period End Templates in-app prompt.

To generate the sample period end playbook templates and associated task templates:

  1. In the App Launcher, search for and click Accounting.
  2. Navigate to the Accounting Playbook Templates page.
  3. When the Sample Period End Templates in-app prompt displays, click Create. You can access the new sample period end playbook templates and task templates from the Navigation section.

If the in-app prompt does not display, open the Accounting Playbook Template page and check if the templates have already been generated. For more information, see Creating Accounting Playbook Templates.

If the templates have not been generated and the in-app prompt does not display, you might need to activate the Period End Playbook Template Creation prompt in your org. For more information, see Managing Certinia In-App Guidance or contact your administrator.


If you have already generated the playbook templates but want to generate them again, you must rename the existing ones first.

Using the Sample Playbook Templates

You can use the Sample Period End Playbook Templates to generate new period end playbooks. For more information, see Managing Accounting Playbooks.

By default the sample playbook templates might contain the following additional information:

  • In the App Location 1 and App Location 2 fields, the links of apps to perform tasks generated from the task template. For example, a link to the automated elimination record.
  • In the Report Location 1 and Report Location 2 fields, the links to reports that will be used to perform the task generated from this task template.
  • In the Note 1 and Note 2 fields, any important notes for the assignee to perform the generated task.

You can add further comments and instructions in the Note fields. You can expand these templates by adding further App Location, Report Location, and Note fields using the Object Manager.