Editing Sales Invoices
To update selected details on an "In Progress" sales invoice, click Edit on a sales invoice detail or list page and then change the fields you want to update. In Extended Edition organizations you might need to return to Classic Edition
to make these changes. In this situation, click Classic Edit instead.
We do not recommend changing a default value if it is applicable to the line item that you want to add or edit.
For a full description of the standard fields that make up a sales invoice, see Sales Invoice Fields. Potentially editable fields are marked with an E in Sales Invoice Fields.
For information about maintaining the lines on an existing invoice, see Sales Invoice Line Items.
When you have finished, click Save. You can also click Save & New to save the current document and immediately begin to create another.
Placing Posted Sales Invoices On Hold
Amending Posted Sales Invoices
The changes that you make are also automatically reflected in both the related transaction and the appropriate balances. The type of balances that are updated automatically depend on how your organization has been configured.