Using the PSA Contact Card

For information about the sections and fields on the contact card, see Contact Card Lightning Component Overview and Contact Card Lightning Component Fields.

Viewing Resource Details

To view a resource's details:

  1. Do any of the following:
    • On the Project Task Board, select a task, click Record Details, and select the Resources tab from the Record Details panel. If the task has more than one resource assigned to it, select the relevant resource from the Search Contacts field on the Resources tab. For more information, see Using the Project Task Board.
    • In the Project Team Schedule, select a resource and click View the details of the selected resource. For more information, see Using the Project Team Schedule.
    • In Gantt on a project record, click a resource or a project task and click View the details of the selected resource. For more information, see Viewing Gantt from a Project Record.
    • In a work planner, select a resource and click Record Details. The details are displayed on the Resource tab of the Record Details panel. For more information, see Using Work Planners.
    • When viewing a contact record, view the resource details in the contact card.
    • Select a resource from either of the following places on the Resource Request page, then click Resource Details on the contact card:
  2. Review the sections and fields on the contact card.
  3. [Optional] Click the resource name hyperlink to view the resource's contact record page.
  4. [Optional] Select another resource from the search contact lookup to view their details on the contact card.

For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.

Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.


If Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, the records in the Resource, Account, and Opportunity search lookup window are filtered using only the Name field in the grid.


An administrator can also add the Contact Card component to the Contact Lightning record page. The resource details displayed relate to the current contact record.

Viewing Assignment History

The Assignment History section displays the five most recent past or closed assignments. You can see the name of skills that assignments have in common with the current resource request, regardless of rating, essential/desirable status, or match Any Skill/All Skills criteria.

You can filter the assignments by Account and Skills present on the resource requests.

  1. To filter the assignments for a resource in Assignment History, click . The filter drop-down opens.
  2. [Optional] Select Account if you want to filter the assignments based on accounts associated with the resource request.
  3. [Optional] Select Skills if you want to filter the assignments based on the requested skills. For example, if a resource has worked on an assignment and has the same set of skills as requested in the resource request, the assignments with those skills are filtered.

The assignments are also sorted based on the number of matched skills, such that the assignments with all the requested skills in common are displayed on the top.

The filter selection is retained even if you change the resource so that you can compare the resources on the same criteria.


The name of the skills in common is displayed only when there are requested skills present on the resource request. If there are no requested skills on the resource request, the Skills option is not displayed in the filters drop-down.

Similarly, if there is no account on the resource request, the Account option is not available in the filters drop-down.

To view the details of all the past or closed assignments a resource has worked on, you can click View History. The Work History window opens. You can see details about past work experience from the assignments such as:

  • Assignment Name
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Billable
  • Hours Submitted
  • Region
  • Practice
  • Group
  • Account
  • Status
  • Project
  • Requested Skills
  • Role

You can group the assignments displayed in the Work History window using the Group by drop-down. By default, the assignments are sorted by the most recent start date.

The assignments can be sorted even after applying the groupings and you can see the Grouped by criteria displayed on top of the grid. By default, the assignments are sorted by start date even when grouped, with the most recent assignment on top of the group.

Once grouped, the grouping order can be switched between ascending and descending alphabetically.


All the columns available in the grid are sortable except Requested Skills. The default sorting order is by start date and the most recent assignments are displayed first.

Viewing Matching Skills, Certification, and Experience

The Requested Skills section of the contact card is only available when viewing the contact card from the Resource Request Lightning record page. To view a resource's matching skills, certifications, and experience:

  1. Select a resource on the Resource Request page.
  2. Filter on skills and certifications. See Using the Resource Filter in the PSA Resourcing Lightning Component.
  3. Click Resource Details | Requested Skills to view details of the selected resource's skills and certifications that match the Resource Filter.
  4. [Optional] Click View Experience. For more information, see Managing Skills, Certifications, and Experience for Resources.

You can also remove the View Experience button by deselecting the Show View Experience Button checkbox in the properties pane of the Lightning App Builder for the Contact Card Lightning component. For more information, see Contact Card Lightning Component Properties.

Modifying the Date Range

To modify the resource schedule date range for a resource:

  1. Select a resource.
  2. On the Resource Request page, click Resource Details | Resource Schedule.
  3. Click Edit Date Range.
  4. Change the values in the Start and End Date fields.
  5. Click Apply.
    Assignments and resource requests within the edited resource schedule date range are displayed on the Contact Card in the Resource Schedule for the selected resource.
    The following are updated:
    • Available Hours
    • Assigned Hours
    • Held Hours
  6. Click Reset to restore the original date range. For example:
    • The filter dates on the resource request page.
    • The earliest assignment or resource request start date, and the latest assignment or resource request end date on the Project Team Schedule.

When viewing the contact card from the Contact Lightning record page, the date range displayed is the contact's current working week, based on the week start day on their work calendar.