Project Team Schedule Lightning Component Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Project Team Schedule Lightning component.


Field Description
End Date End date of the project.
Project Name Name of the project.
Resource Name Name of the resource. The resource's role is displayed if present.

The resource's avatar is displayed when provided. A default avatar is displayed when the resource's avatar is not available.
Resource Requests All unheld resource requests for the current project. Unheld resource requests are not shown for any other projects that resources on the current project are also working on.
Resource Role Name of the resource's role.
Start Date Start date of the project.


Button Description Default  
Reload Reloads the Project Team Schedule. This is useful if, for example, assignments or resource requests are created after you loaded the page, or if you have made a change in a different tab. Not applicable  
Today Displays the current day on the timeline and maintains the current zoom level. Not applicable  
Show Other Work

When deselected, displays all assignments and held resource requests assigned to resources for the current project.

When selected, displays:

  • All assignments and resource requests assigned to resources for the current project.
  • All assignments and resource requests assigned to resources on other projects that overlap with the current project's start and end dates.
Assignments and resource requests assigned to resources for the current project.  
Change View or Change View Displays the following views:
  • Scheduler: Shows assignments and held resource requests over time for resources on the current project and on other projects if Show Other Work is selected.
  • Allocation: Lists the assignments and resource requests on the current project and on other projects if Show Other Work is selected. Shows the number of hours a resource is scheduled to work on the corresponding assignments or resource requests and indicates if a resource is correctly allocated, over allocated, or under allocated.
Zoom Level

Changes the view between days, weeks, months, quarters, and years. The zoom level you set is retained if you use the same browser on the same device.

  • On the Allocation view, you can only edit the hourly values when using the Days and Weeks zoom levels.
  • If you open the Allocation view after the Scheduler view, the zoom level is retained.
Resource Details Opens the contact card for the selected resource. Alternatively, you can double-click a resource. For more information, see Contact Card Lightning Component Overview. Not applicable  
Expand Expands the Project Team Schedule for full view. Click Contract to return it to its original size. Not applicable