Validation of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Control Accounts

ERP Cloud

The table below explains how the accounts receivable (AR) control GLA and the accounts payable (AP) control GLA are validated when you click Validate Customer or Validate Vendor on the account record when the Multiple Companies Configuration feature is enabled, meaning that the Use Multiple Companies Configuration field in the Accounting Settings custom setting is selected.

The validation process checks that the Accounts Payable Control or Accounts Receivable Control fields are populated on the following records:

  • Multiple companies account config
  • Account

The validation process considers the records following the order above.

AR and AP Control GLAs Validation
AP Control and AR Control GLAs Are Populated in Multiple Companies Account Config AP Control GLA or AR Control GLA Are Populated in Account Account is Successfully Validated
Yes N/A Yes
No Yes Yes
No No No. You receive an error because the GLAs must be populated in either the multiple companies account config or the account.