Multiple Companies Configuration Overview

The Multiple Companies Configuration feature enables you to define the following information for multiple companies:

  • Accounts payable control and accounts receivable control GLAs
  • Credit terms
  • Default tax
  • Finance contact

Instead of retrieving this information from the Account object, it is retrieved from the following fields on the Multiple Companies Account Config custom object:

  • Accounts Payable Control
  • Accounts Receivable Control
  • Input VAT/GST Code
  • Multi-Account Credit Terms
  • Output VAT/GST Code
  • Tax Status

The contacts are retrieved from the multi-account contact records that are associated with the multiple companies account config.


When using the Multiple Companies Configuration feature, there are some important considerations to be aware of:

  • SUT companies are not supported.
  • If you are upgrading Accounting to Spring 2024 or Summer 2024, and you are already using the Multiple Companies Configuration feature to define default tax information, you must also define the following information for multiple companies:

    • Accounts payable control and accounts receivable control GLAs
    • Credit terms
    • Finance contact

    If you are upgrading Accounting to Winter 2025 or later, it is not mandatory to define the information above.

    To easily create the necessary multiple companies account config records containing the additional information, we recommend using Datastream. For more information, see Managing Multiple Companies Account Configs.

  • The fields of any records on the Multiple Companies Account Config object override the related fields on the Account object. For more information, see Multiple Companies Account Config Fields.


To use Multiple Companies Configuration:

  1. [Optional] Enable the Multiple Companies Configuration feature in the Feature Console. For more information, see Enabling Multiple Companies Configuration.
  2. Select the Use Multiple Companies Configuration field in the Accounting Settings custom setting. For more information, see Accounting Settings.
  3. Create multiple companies account config records either manually or using Datastream. Note that the Company and Account combination of fields must be unique. For more information, see Managing Multiple Companies Account Configs.


You can use multiple companies account configs to manage:

  • Multiple tax statuses
  • Multiple finance contacts per company
  • Multiple credit terms per company
  • Unique accounts receivable and accounts payable GLAs per company

Multiple Tax Statuses

You can define default tax information for multiple companies. Instead of retrieving the information from the Tax Status field on the Account object, this information is retrieved from the Tax Status field on the Multiple Companies Account Config custom object.

This can be applied to the following documents:

  • Payable credit notes
  • Payable invoices
  • Sales credit notes
  • Sales invoices

To use the tax information on the related multiple companies account config instead of the related account's tax information, you must:

  1. Populate the following fields on the related multiple companies account config record:
    • Tax Status
    • Output VAT/GST Code
    • Input VAT/GST Code
  2. Select the Use Multiple Companies Configuration field in the Accounting Settings custom setting.

Multi-Account Contacts

If you use Automated Collections, you can send reminders and customer statements to the multi-account contacts associated with the related multiple companies account config. If you use this feature, you can still send reminders and customer statements to the finance contact on the related account.

For more information, see:

Multi-Account Credit Terms

You can use multi-account credit terms when your companies trade with the same vendor and customer accounts. This can help you determine the due date and discounts for sales and payable documents sent to multiple accounts and manage credit terms for multiple companies in one central location.

To use the multi-account credit terms on the related multiple companies account config instead of the related account's or company's credit terms, you must:

  1. Create a new multi-account credit terms record.
  2. Populate the Multi-Account Credit Terms field on the related multiple companies account config record.
  3. Select the Use Multiple Companies Configuration field in the Accounting Settings custom setting.

For more information, see Multi-Account Credit Terms Overview.

Unique Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable GLAs per Company

You can use unique accounts receivable control and accounts payable control GLAs when your companies trade with the same vendor and customer accounts. When posting sales and payable documents, the accounts receivable and accounts payable GLA information on a related multiple companies account config record can be used on the document's transaction line items of the "Account" type.

To use the accounts receivable control and accounts payable control GLA information on a related multiple companies account config instead of the related account's GLAs, you must:

  1. Populate the Accounts Receivable Control and Accounts Payable Control fields on the related multiple companies account config record. Depending on whether the related company uses a local chart of accounts structure, you can use either local or corporate accounts payable and accounts receivable GLAs.
  2. Select the Use Multiple Companies Configuration field in the Accounting Settings custom setting.

For more information, see:

For information about how the accounts receivable control and accounts payable control GLAs are populated on the transaction line items of the "Account" type, see Default of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Control Accounts.