Enabling Multiple Companies Configuration
This Feature Console page enables the Multiple Companies Configuration feature so that you can define the following information for multiple companies:
- Accounts payable control and accounts receivable control GLAs
- Credit terms
- Default tax
- Multi-account contacts
Instead of retrieving this information from the Account object, it is retrieved from the following fields on the Multiple Companies Account Config custom object:
- Accounts Payable Control
- Accounts Receivable Control
- Input VAT/GST Code
- Multi-Account Credit Terms
- Output VAT/GST Code
- Tax Status
The contacts are retrieved from the multi-account contact records that are associated with the multiple companies account config.
Work through the steps in the order shown.
- For each automatic step, click Perform. When the step has completed, the Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
- For each manual step, follow the instructions on screen then click Mark As Done when the step is complete. More information about performing the manual steps is provided below.
When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.
Manually Mark Fields as Non-Required
Update the Multiple Companies Account Config Layout page layout to deselect the Required checkbox on the following fields:
- Input VAT/GST Code
- Output VAT/GST Code
- Tax Status
For more information about how to make a custom field non-required, see the Salesforce Help.
Manually Assign Permission Sets
Ensure the following permission sets are assigned to the necessary users:
- Accounting and Billing - Payable Credit Note
- Accounting and Billing - Payable Invoice
- Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note
- Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice