Allocate Resources Window Fields

The Allocate Resources window enables you to view and select the resources you want to allocate to a record.


The following table describes the fields displayed in the Allocate Resources window.

Fields in the Allocate Resources Window


Search Search for a resource you want to allocate to the record using two or more characters that appear anywhere in the resource's name.


The following table describes the columns displayed in the Available Resources table of the Allocate Resources window.

Columns in the Available Resources table


Accounts The number of accounts associated with the resource.
Playbooks The number of playbooks associated with the resource.

The resource's rank, which is determined by the following criteria, in order:

  1. Role: Resources with the role of customer success manager are ranked the highest.
  2. Success plans: Resources with the lowest number of active success plans are ranked higher.
  3. Playbooks: Resources with the lowest number of active playbooks are ranked higher.
Resource Name The name of the resource.
Role The role of the resource.
Success Plans The number of success plans associated with the resource.
Time Zone The time zone ID for the resource.


The following table describes the buttons available in the Allocate Resources window.

Buttons in the Allocate Resources window
Button Name


Open filters panel Open Filters Panel Opens the filters panel, which enables you to filter the resources available to allocate to the record by resource name, role, team, or time zone.
Close filters panel Close Filters Panel Closes the filters panel.

Filter Fields

The following table describes the fields displayed in the Filters panel of the Allocate Resources window.

Filter Fields in the Allocate Resources Window


CS Cloud Resource Search for and select one or more CS Cloud resources to view in the Available Resources table.
Match All Playbook Skills If selected, the resources that have all of the selected playbook skills are displayed in the Available Resources table. If not selected, the resources that have at least one of the selected playbook skills are displayed in the Available Resources table. This filter is only available on playbook records that have skills associated with them.
Match or Exceed Skills Ratings If selected, the resources whose skill ratings match or exceed the ratings of the skills that they have in common with the selected playbook skills are displayed in the Available Resources table. This filter is only available on playbook records that have skills associated with them.
Playbook Skills If selected, the resources that also have the skill are displayed in the Available Resources table. The skills listed are relevant to the current playbook. This filter is only available on playbook records that have skills associated with them.
Resource Pool Search for and select one or more resource pools to view its members in the Available Resources table.
Role Search for and select a role to view the resources associated with it in the Available Resources table.
User: Time Zone Search for and select a time zone to view the resources associated with it in the Available Resources table.