Auto-Allocating Resources to Playbooks

Auto-allocation enables you to automatically allocate the most suitable resource pool member to a playbook record. Only members of the resource pools that have the same role as the playbook can be automatically allocated to the record. Resources that are available for automatic allocation are ranked based on the following criteria, in order:

  1. Success plans: Resources with the lowest number of active success plans are ranked the highest.
  2. Playbooks: Resources with the lowest number of active playbooks are ranked the highest.

When automatically allocating resources to playbooks that have skills associated with them, the ranking criteria of the resources in the Available Resources table is updated to:

  1. Playbook skills: Resources that match with the highest number of skills associated with the playbook are ranked higher.
  2. Success plans: Resources with the lowest number of active success plans are ranked the highest.
  3. Playbooks: Resources with the lowest number of active playbooks are ranked the highest.

The success plans with completed or archived status and the playbooks with completed or canceled stages are not considered during resource allocation ranking calculations.

If a resource is already allocated to the playbook, you can replace that resource using auto-allocation. The newly allocated resource will also automatically become the owner of the playbook record they are allocated to.

To automatically allocate resources to records, on the Playbook Owner tab of the record, click Auto-Allocate. The following is updated with the details of the allocated resource:

  • The Allocated Resources table in the Playbook Owner tab of the record
  • The Playbook Owner field in the Details tab of the record

No resource will be automatically allocated to the playbook record if:

  • No role is associated with the record
  • No resource pool has the same role as the record
  • No members have been added to the resource pool