New Features and Enhancements in Customer Success Cloud January 2025
The following new features have been introduced in the January 2025 release of Customer Success Cloud.
If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Customer Success Cloud January 2025. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.
Account Health Score
Account Health Score Dashboard
To ensure that the data displayed on the Account Health Score dashboard is clear, we've updated the text from Average Health Score to Current Average Health Score. This provides more clarity on what the data is displaying.
Now, the Weighting column in the Metric Details table on the Account Health Score dashboard displays values with two decimal places. This enables you to get an accurate update of the weighting value for each metric.
For more information, see Account Health Score Dashboard.
Configuring Health Scores
We've also made some enhancements to the configuring health scores process. Now, you must enter three or more characters before results are returned when searching in the grid.
We've also removed the percent symbol from the individual global weighting values and relocated it to the column header. This avoids unnecessary text in the grid, whilst still providing the context for each value. Now, when you click after any number of sequential clicks of the Split Weightings Equally button, the value reverts to the value displayed before the Split Weightings Equally button was clicked the initial time.
When selecting metrics in the Configure Health Scores window, the number of selected metrics per type now displays. In addition, when there are no more changes to undo in the window, the selected cell changes from its altered state back to white to indicate that you have reverted all changes.
We've also updated the text in the information toasts in the Delete Metric Account Values and the Schedule Metric Account Value Deletion windows to be more explicit about what records are being deleted. Finally, in the Schedule Metric Account Value Deletion window, we've added the option to schedule the job to run Daily. For more information, see Configuring Segment Metrics
Removing Accounts from Segments
We've made some enhancements to Account Grid so that you can now remove multiple accounts from a segment directly from the grid when accessing it from a customer success segment page. This enables you to manage the accounts included in a segment directly from the segment itself, and streamlines the process of removing accounts from a segment.
To enable this feature, we've added:
- Checkboxes so you can select multiple accounts in the grid
- The
button which enables you to remove multiple accounts from the segment
When you click , a confirmation message appears so that you can confirm you want to proceed with removing the selected accounts from the segment. On completion, a toast appears alerting you to the success of the process.
For more information, see Using Account Grid and Account Grid Lightning Component Fields.
Scheduling Metric Account Values Dataset Updates
We've added the new Schedule Metric Account Values Dataset Update window so that business administrators can easily create schedules to update the Metric Account Values dataset using Customer Success Cloud's custom process. You can access the window using the Schedule Metric Account Values Dataset Update button available on the Customer Success Administration page, and any additional pages you've added the CSC Administration component to. A scheduled Apex class is created that updates the Metric Account Values dataset, based on the details you provide in the Schedule Metric Account Values Dataset Update window, with any metric account values that have been updated or created since the last time the job was run. For more information see, Customer Success Administration Overview and Scheduling a Metric Account Values Dataset Update.
Deleting Metric Account Values
The fields in the Data Deletion Criteria section on the Schedule Metric Account Value Deletion window have been reordered to ensure that you're entering data in the most helpful order.
Finally, the buttons in the confirmation window that display when you click Delete in the Delete Metric Account Values window have been updated. Now, when no metric account value records match your selected criteria, a message displays to alert you and you can use the new Continue Editing button to go back to the window and select new criteria. You can also click the renamed Discard Changes button to close the windows and discard your changes. The new and updated buttons are also available from the confirmation window when your criteria returns records to delete, and they display in addition to the Delete button.
For more information, see Scheduling Metric Account Value Deletion Jobs and Deleting Metric Account Values.
Customer Success Enhancements
You can use the following new CS Cloud Notification Settings fields to notify the relevant people when a process is complete:
- Account Assignment Notifications. Alerts CS Cloud Resources when they've been assigned as the owner of an account.
- Objective Assignment Notifications. Alerts CS Cloud Resources when they've been assigned as the owner of an objective.
- Playbook Task Assignment Notifications. Alerts CS Cloud Resources when they've been assigned as the owner of a playbook task.
- Playbook Task Completion Notifications. Alerts playbook owners when all playbook tasks associated with a playbook are complete.
- Resource Skill Assignment Notifications. Alerts CS Cloud Resources when they've been assigned a skill.
- Success Plan Assignment Notifications. Alerts CS Cloud Resources when they've been assigned as the owner of a success plan.
These enable customer success managers and leaders to be notified of important changes automatically.
We've also added the new Bypass Account CS Resource Trigger field to the Customer Success Cloud Process Settings custom setting, to enable you to disable the trigger for account CS resources.
By default, these custom setting fields are not enabled. For more information, see Custom Settings.
Now, messages that display after successfully creating or editing records include links, enabling customer success managers to directly access the relevant record. This helps them save time they'd spend navigating to the updated record and enables them to visit it directly when a change occurs.
Finally, we've updated the CS activity page so that now only the Clone button displays. For more information, see CS Activity Fields and Cloning CS Activities.
Demonstrating Value Across the Customer Journey
We've made several enhancements to enable customer success managers and leaders to manage their objective KPIs and business challenges more efficiently.
Value Tracker
You can now use Value Tracker on additional record pages, app pages, and workspaces. This gives customer success managers more control over their objective KPIs because they can now also view Value Tracker outside success plan record pages. For example, administrators can now add the CSC Value Tracker component to:
- Account Record Page. This enables you to view objective KPIs per account and filter them by success plan.
- Objective Record Page. This enables you to view objective KPIs per objective.
- A record page other than the Account Record Page, Success Plan Record Page, or Objective Record Page. This enables you to filter objective KPIs by account and success plan.
In addition, you can now use and
to undo and redo changes made in:
- The Value Tracker grid
- The Objective KPIs grid of the Edit Objective KPIs window
For more information, see Using Value Tracker.
Managing Objective KPIs
You can now retain customized grid views when viewing objective KPIs in:
- Value Tracker
- The Objective KPIs grid in the Create Objective and Edit Objective windows
The Objective KPIs grid in the Edit Objective KPIs window, which you can access from:
- The Record Details panel in Success Tracker
- The Create Success Plan window, when creating a success plan from a template
When you customize the Value Tracker grid by reordering, resizing, hiding, or sorting the columns, or by dragging the splitter bar, your customized view is now retained when you access the grid:
- On the same record page type
- On the same device
- Using the same browser
When you customize the Objective KPIs grid by reordering, resizing, hiding, or sorting the columns, your customized view is now retained when you access the grid:
- On the same device
- Using the same browser
For more information, see:
Associating Business Challenges with Objectives and Opportunities
To accurately capture customer business challenges and agreed objectives, and enhance the effectiveness of the sales-to-success handover, customer success managers can now associate business challenges and opportunities with objectives. To support this, we've added:
The Business Challenges and Opportunity fields, which you can use to select business challenges and opportunities for your objectives, to the following windows:
- Create Objective, which you can access from the Actions panel and Success Tracker.
- Edit Objective, which you can access from Success Tracker.
- The Business Challenge Title field to the Business Challenge object, which can help you identify business challenge records more easily.
- The Objective Business Challenge object, and the Objective Business Challenges related list to the Objective Record Page. This enables you to link objectives and business challenges.
- The Opportunity field to the Objective and Business Challenge objects to enable you to link objectives and business challenges to opportunities. We've also updated the page layouts of these objects to include the Opportunity field.
The following fields to the CS Cloud Process Settings custom setting:
- Bypass Business Challenge Trigger, which enables administrators to disable the trigger for business challenges.
- Bypass Objective Business Trigger, which enables administrators to disable the trigger for objective business challenges.
For more information, see:
Deprecated Validation Rules
We've deprecated the following validation rules:
- Objective_Account_Mismatch in the Objective object
- Parent_Record_Account_Mismatch in the Playbook object
- Objective_Account_Mismatch, Playbook_Account_Mismatch, Success_Plan_Account_Mismatch in the Playbook Task object
Instead of using these rules, Customer Success Cloud now automatically performs the necessary checks when users create objectives, playbooks, and playbook tasks.
For more information, see Deprecated Elements.
Enhancing CS Resource Pooling
We have introduced the following custom settings for the Account, Playbook, Objective , and Success Planobjects:
- CSC Account Allocation Ranking Settings
- Playbook Allocation Ranking Settings
- Objective Allocation Ranking Settings
- Success Plan Allocation Ranking Settings
These custom settings:
- Ensures effective resource allocation from a resource pool
- Provides a configuration solution enabling administrators to manage ranking methodology
- Enables you to change the default priority of resource allocation ranking calculations, helping you rank and allocate the best possible resources as per your requirements
For more information, see Custom Settings
Enhanced Record Creation
We've enhanced the creation of success plan, objective, playbook, and playbook task records to help customer success managers manage them more easily.
Controlling Record Creation in Success Tracker
You can now modify Customer Success Cloud's permissions to control which record creation actions are available when users click in Success Tracker. This enables you to disable the following actions, which are enabled by default, for specific users:
- Add Task
- Add Playbook
- Add Objective
- Add Success Plan
This can help prevent specific users from creating specific records, providing customer success managers with more control over record creation in their organizations. You can now also disable or hide in Success Tracker for a specific user by removing the Create permissions for the success plan, objective, playbook, and playbook task objects in the permission set assigned to the user. For more information, see:
Associating New Records with the Currently Viewed Records
We've reduced the number of steps required to create success plan, objective, playbook, and playbook task records. Now, you can automatically associate your new record with the record that you're viewing when creating new blank records from the Actions panel on the success plan, objective, playbook, and playbook task record pages.
The following fields are now automatically populated with the values of the fields of the record you're viewing:
- Account Record Page: The Account field
- Success Plan Record Page: The Account and Success Plan fields
- Objective Record Page: The Account, and Success Plan, and Objective fields
- Playbook Record Page: The Account, Success Plan, Objective, and Playbook fields
- Playbook Task Record Page: The Account, Success Plan, Objective, and Playbook fields
Also, when editing an objective, playbook, or playbook task record from the Customer Success Management Workspace or Success Tracker, now:
- The available field values depend on the values selected in the fields of the record's parent objects.
- If no values are specified for the parent objects, associating the record with a parent object can automatically populate the remaining related object fields on the record.
For example, if you select an objective while editing a playbook task record, you can then only select the playbooks that belong to that objective. The same behavior now also applies when creating success plan, objective, playbook, and playbook task records from Success Tracker and the Actions panel. In addition, you can now automatically populate the parent record fields on your new record with the values of the record you selected in Success Tracker before creating a success plan, objective, playbook, or playbook task. We've also made the order of the fields consistent across the success plan, objective, playbook, and playbook task creation and edit windows.
In addition, when creating or editing a CS activity or playbook task, you can now associate it with an active playbook only. This prevents customer success managers from accidentally selecting an inactive playbook for their CS activity or playbook task.
Finally, we've changed the behavior of the Template field in the Create Objective, Edit Objective, Create Playbook and Edit Playbook windows, as follows:
If you select this field in one of the creation or editing windows:
- The parent record fields, such as Success Plan and Objective, are cleared
- Only the parent records that have their respective Template fields selected are displayed and can be associated with the objective or playbook
- The Template field is now selected by default when creating a new success plan, objective, or playbook record from the Actions panel on the record page of a template success plan, objective, or playbook.
- If the Template field is not included in the related page layout of the Success Plan, Objective, or Playbook object, the field is treated as deselected and no template parent records are displayed.
For more information, see:
Enhancing Skills Management
We've made the following enhancements to skills management.
Skill Sets
We've introduced skill sets, which enable customer success managers to create groups of skills that can then be associated with playbooks. This provides an easier and more efficient way to associate the same set of skills with more than one playbook.
For more information, see:
Visibility of Matching Skills
We've added a Matching Skills column to the Allocated Resources grid and the Available Resources table in the Allocate Resources window in the Playbook Skills tab of playbook record pages. This gives you an at-a-glance view of the skills associated with the resource that match the skills associated with the playbook. Only the playbook skills selected in the Filter panel of the Allocate Resources window will display in the Matching Skills column of the Available Resources table.
For more information, see CSC Resourcing Lightning Component Fields and Allocate Resources Window Fields.
Grouping by Skill Set for Playbook Skills and Resource Skills
We've introduced grouping by skill set in the Skill Management grid for both the Playbook Skills and Resource Skills tabs, for playbook and resource record pages, respectively. This shows you the skills based on their respective skill set groups.
In the Skill Management grid, you can also add a Skill Set Name column by right-clicking any of the column headers and then selecting the columns option to unhide the Skill Set Name column. This shows the name of the skill set associated with the skills being shown in the Skill Management grid. Skills with no associated skill sets display at the top of the Skill Management grid by default. By clicking the Skill Set Name column header, you can sort the skill set group in the Skill Management grid.
For more information, see:
Enhanced Resource Allocation with Skill Sets and Individual Skills Filtering
We have introduced the Individual Skills section and CS Skill Sets section in the Filters panel of the Allocate Resources window for playbooks. The Individual Skills section displays individual skills added to the playbook independently and is only visible if individual skills are associated with the playbook. Similarly, the CS Skill Sets section displays skills grouped by their respective skill sets that are added to the playbook and is only visible if skill sets are associated with the playbook.
To display the Skill Sets section on the Filters panel of the Allocate Resources window, ensure that you have assigned the Read permissions on the CS Skill Sets and CS Skill Set Skills objects. If you do not have the Read permission, then all the skills are displayed under the Individual Skills section regardless of their skill set.
For more information, see:
Enhancing Success Tracker
We've enhanced Success Tracker to enable customer success managers to manage and filter their Customer Success Cloud records more efficiently.
Record Details Panel
Administrators can now set up additional custom fields to display in the Record Details panel of Success Tracker. This enables customer success managers to view only the fields relevant to their business and remove the fields that they don't use. To support this, we've added the following field sets that enable you to define the additional fields you want to display:
- Record Details Panel Objective Fields to the Objective object
- Record Details Panel Playbook Fields to the Playbook object
- Record Details Panel Playbook Task Fields to the Playbook Task object
- Record Details Panel Success Plan Fields to the Success Plan object
To control the behavior of the new field sets, you can now use the new CS Cloud Record Details Panel Settings custom setting. For more information, see:
- Using Success Tracker
- Custom Settings
- Objective Field Sets
- Playbook Field Sets
- Playbook Task Field Sets
- Success Plan Field Sets
Filters Panel
We've enhanced the Filters panel of Success Tracker to enable customer success managers to view only the success plans, objectives, and playbooks they want. To support this, we've added the following to the Filters panel:
The Success Plans section, which contains the following fields:
- Success Plan Owner
- Status
The Objectives section, which contains the following fields:
- Objective Owner
- Status
The Playbooks section, which contains the following fields:
- Playbook Owner
- Stage
For more information, see:
Fixes are listed on the Known Issues page of the Certinia Community. You can access this page from the Community Support Hub. For a brief description of the issues that have been fixed in this version of Customer Success Cloud, see the relevant section of the Known Issues page.