Billing Central Data Dictionary


Label: Billing Contract Line Item

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
ActiveContractLineItem__c Active Contract Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the active contract line item to which this change request line item relates.

Looks up to: ContractLineItem__c
AlignForBilling__c Align for Billing Spring 2022 The existing contract line item to which this contract line item is aligned for billing.

Looks up to: ContractLineItem__c
AmountBilledExternally__c Amount Billed Externally Spring 2019 The amount that has been billed for this contract line item outside of Billing Central.

Currency(18,2) 0
AnalysisItem1__c Analysis Item 1 Spring 2020 Used to sub-analyze billing contract lines and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.

Looks up to: fferpcore__AnalysisItem__c

AnalysisItem2__c Analysis Item 2 Spring 2020 Used to sub-analyze billing contract lines and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.

Looks up to: fferpcore__AnalysisItem__c

AnalysisItem3__c Analysis Item 3 Spring 2020 Used to sub-analyze billing contract lines and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.

Looks up to: fferpcore__AnalysisItem__c

AnalysisItem4__c Analysis Item 4 Spring 2020 Used to sub-analyze billing contract lines and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.

Looks up to: fferpcore__AnalysisItem__c

AnnualRecurringRevenue__c Annual Recurring Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Monthly Recurring Revenue multiplied by 12.

MonthlyRecurringRevenue__c * 12
BilledExternallyTo__c Billed Externally To Spring 2019 Date up to which the contract line item has been billed outside of Billing Central.

BilledTo__c Billed To Pre-Spring 2018 Date up to which the contract line item has been billed.

BillingTermDefinition__c Billing Term Definition Spring 2020 Formula field containing the definition of the billing term associated with this line.

BillingTerm__c Billing Term Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the soft date that determines when billing occurs.

Looks up to: SoftDate__c
BillingType__c Billing Type Pre-Spring 2018 The type of billing for this contract line item.

Recurring Fixed
Recurring Variable
Canceled__c Canceled Summer 2022 Indicates whether the contract line item is canceled and not eligible for billing.

Checkbox false
ChargeTermDefinition__c Charge Term Definition Summer 2020 Formula field containing the definition of the charge term associated with this line.

IF(ISBLANK(ChargeTerm__c), BillingTermDefinition__c, ChargeTerm__r.Definition__c)
ChargeTerm__c Charge Term Summer 2020 Lookup to the soft date that determines when charging occurs.

Looks up to: SoftDate__c
ContractEndDate__c Contract End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Formula field containing the end date of the contract to which the contract line item belongs.

ContractFirstBillDate__c Contract First Bill Date Pre-Spring 2018 Formula field containing the first bill date of the contract to which the contract line item belongs.

ContractStartDate__c Contract Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Formula field containing the start date of the contract to which the contract line item belongs.

ContractStatus__c Contract Status Pre-Spring 2018 Formula field containing the status of the contract to which the contract line item belongs.

ContractType__c Contract Type Pre-Spring 2018 Formula field containing the type of contract to which this contract line item belongs.

Contract__c Contract Pre-Spring 2018 Contract to which this contract line belongs.

Looks up to: Contract__c
Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 Description of the contract line item.

Discount__c Discount Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the discount applied to this contract line item.

Looks up to: Discount__c
EndDate__c End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date on which this contract line item ends.

ExcludeFromRenewal__c Exclude from Renewal Winter 2024 Indicates that the contract line item will be excluded when a renewal is created.

Checkbox false
FirstBillDate__c First Bill Date Pre-Spring 2018 First date on which the contract line item is to be billed.

InArrears__c Bill in Arrears Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates whether the contract line item is to be billed in arrears.

Checkbox false
IsControllingLine__c Controlling Line for Billing Alignment Winter 2023 For internal use only. This checkbox is selected if other lines on the contract are aligned to this line to sync with its billing periods and billing dates.

Checkbox false
MonthlyRecurringRevenue__c Monthly Recurring Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Monthly recurring revenue for the contract line item. This is calculated by multiplying the Sales Price by the Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplier of the Charge Term or Billing Term associated with the contract line item.

MrrMultiplier__c * SalesPrice__c
MrrMultiplier__c Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplier Pre-Spring 2018 Multiplier used to calculate monthly recurring revenue. Must contain a positive number.

OnHold__c On Hold Spring 2022 Indicates that the contract line item is on hold for billing, meaning that its billing schedule lines are currently excluded from billing processes.

Checkbox false
Plan__c Plan Name Pre-Spring 2018 Plan

Looks up to: Plan__c
PreviousContractLineItem__c Previous Contract Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the previous contract line item to which this contract line item relates.

Looks up to: ContractLineItem__c
PricingStructure__c Pricing Structure Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the pricing structure that determines the Unit Price for different quantities on this contract line item.

Looks up to: PricingStructure__c
PricingType__c Pricing Type Pre-Spring 2018 Type of pricing to be used for this contract line item. When set to Fixed, the unit price is always the same. Otherwise, the unit price is determined by quantity.

IF(ISBLANK(PricingStructure__c), $Label.PricingTypeFixed, TEXT(PricingStructure__r.PricingType__c) )
ProductService__c Product or Service Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the Salesforce product or service.

Looks up to: Product2

Quantity__c Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 Quantity of the product or service being purchased. You must enter a value if a fixed Billing Type is selected.

Number(18,6) 0
RecurringBillDate__c Recurring Bill Date Spring 2022 Soft date that will be used to calculate the billing dates for recurring lines. If not specified, the billing term will be used.

Looks up to: SoftDate__c
RevenueCategory__c Revenue Category Pre-Spring 2018 The type of revenue from which the contract line item originates.

Net New Booking
SalesPriceOverride__c Sales Price Override Pre-Spring 2018 Contains a value that is used to calculate the Sales Price when a contract line item contains a pricing structure.

SalesPrice__c Sales Price Pre-Spring 2018 Total price for the contract line. This is either calculated using the formula Quantity x Unit Price or it is equal to the Sales Price Override if that field contains a value.

BLANKVALUE(SalesPriceOverride__c, Quantity__c * UnitPrice__c)
StartDate__c Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date from which billing can commence for this contract line item.

TotalBilled__c Total Billed Pre-Spring 2018 Total amount billed for the contract line item.

Currency(18,2) 0
TotalContractLineValue__c Total Contract Line Value Pre-Spring 2018 Total value of the contract line item over its lifetime. The value is zero if the billing type is Recurring Variable or the Billing Type is Recurring Fixed and there is no end date. If the billing type is Recurring Fixed and there is an end date, the value is calculated using the formula: Sales Price x Number of Terms (including partial terms). If the billing type is One-off, the value is the sales price.

TriggerId__c Trigger ID Pre-Spring 2018 An identifier that is used by Billing Central services when creating contract line items.

UnitOfMeasure__c Unit Of Measure Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the unit of measure used to determine customer usage on this contract line item.

Looks up to: UnitOfMeasure__c
UnitPrice__c Unit Price Pre-Spring 2018 Price of one item. This is used to calculate the Sales Price.

Number(18,9) 0
ValueCalculationWarning__c Value Calculation Warning Spring 2020 Information about why the Total Contract Line Value was not calculated.


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