Billing Central Data Dictionary


Label: Price Book Structure Entry

Links products, price books and currencies to a pricing structure. This is the equivalent of a price book entry but with variable pricing based on quantity.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
IsActive__c Active Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates whether this price book structure entry is active.

Checkbox false
PriceBookStructureEntryId__c Price Book Structure Entry ID Pre-Spring 2018 An identifier which is used to prevent duplicate price book structure entries.

PriceBook__c Price Book Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the price book to which this price book structure entry applies.

Looks up to: Pricebook2

PricingStructureDescription__c Pricing Structure Description Pre-Spring 2018 Description of the pricing structure to which this price book structure entry applies.

PricingStructure__c Pricing Structure Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the pricing structure to which this price book structure entry applies.

Looks up to: PricingStructure__c
Product__c Product Pre-Spring 2018 Lookup to the product to which this price book structure entry applies.

Looks up to: Product2


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