Billing Central Data Dictionary


Label: Pricing Structure

Contains a list of price breaks to be applied for different quantities on contract line items.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 Description of the pricing structure.

MaximumUnitPrice__c Maximum Unit Price Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum unit price of the quantity breaks associated with this pricing structure.

MinimumUnitPrice__c Minimum Unit Price Pre-Spring 2018 Minimum unit price of the quantity breaks associated with this pricing structure.

PricingStructureName__c Pricing Structure Name Summer 2020 Defines the pricing structure name.

PricingType__c Pricing Type Pre-Spring 2018 The type of pricing to be used in billing. For tiered pricing, the price for each quantity break is applied only to units that exceed its quantity. For volume pricing, the price is applied to all units.

UsageBillingType__c Usage Billing Type Pre-Spring 2018 Determines the way in which usage is billed for a contract line item. When Total Usage is selected, unit prices are based on the total quantity of all usage of the product. When Per Usage is selected, unit prices are calculated based on the quantity used within each usage record of the product.

Per Usage
Total Usage

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