Billing Central Data Dictionary


Label: Billing Central Trigger Settings

Billing central trigger settings.

This custom setting is protected and can only be modified by Certinia.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
DisableBCAccountTrigger__c Disable BC Account Trigger Winter 2024 Disable the Billing Central trigger on the Salesforce Account object. This is designed for working around bugs in the trigger until a patch can be issued. For short-term trigger disabling to fix bad data, use the SDA key instead.

Checkbox false
DisableBCOpportunityTrigger__c Disable BC Opportunity Trigger Winter 2024 Disable the Billing Central trigger on the Salesforce Opportunity object. This is designed for working around bugs in the trigger until a patch can be issued. For short-term trigger disabling to fix bad data, use the SDA key instead.

Checkbox false
DisableBCProductTrigger__c Disable BC Product Trigger Winter 2024 Disable the Billing Central trigger on the Salesforce Product object. This is designed for working around bugs in the trigger until a patch can be issued. For short-term trigger disabling to fix bad data, use the SDA key instead.

Checkbox false

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