Upgrading to PSA Spring 2024

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Spring 2024.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in This Feature section under each feature for details of items such as objects, fields, or buttons that have been added in this release.


Where new objects, fields, or buttons have been added for a feature, we recommend that you add them to any relevant page layouts, profiles, and permission sets. For information on how to do this, see the Salesforce Help.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Spring 2024, see New Features and Enhancements in PSA Spring 2024.

Lightning Experience

The following table explains the Lightning component types.

Lightning Component Types
Type Description Visualforce Buttons or Actions
Lightning app pages Direct replacements for existing pages or parts of pages. The equivalent existing Visualforce buttons or actions that any PSA Lightning component types replaced in this release have been removed from the object page layouts. If you are upgrading to any Lightning component types in this PSA release, you might need to manually remove any Visualforce buttons or actions from any page layouts that have not already been removed.
PSA Actions components

Components that contain multiple PSA Lightning actions to open new Lightning windows or existing Visualforce pages. The components are included in the relevant default record pages.

PSA Lightning actions Actions that open new Lightning windows. These are included in the default object page layouts.
PSA Lightning components Components that deliver specific functionality. These are included in the relevant default record pages.

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade Lightning components to Spring 2024 for your users, take the following actions.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

Assign the PSA - Lightning Component Apex Class Access permission set to the user profiles of users who will use Lightning components.

Assigning and Removing Permission Sets

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help

To use the Certinia record pages instead of your own, activate the Certinia record pages in the Lightning App Builder. You have the following options:

  • Make the page the org default for the object.
  • Make the page the default object record page for specific Lightning apps.
  • Assign the page to a combination of Lightning apps, record types, and profiles.
  • Assign the page to a form factor, such as a desktop or phone.
For information on activating Lightning Experience record pages, see the Salesforce Help

To continue to use your own record pages, you can add the following to them:

  • PSA Actions components.
  • PSA Lightning components.
PSA Lightning Components
To use any new PSA Lightning actions, add them to your object page layouts. For information on adding quick actions to page layouts in Lightning Experience, see the Salesforce Help

Enhancements to Work Planners

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2024.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.


Fields Added in Spring 2024

App Page

Further Information
Availability Work Planner Work Planner Lightning Component Fields

Redesigned Resource Request Page for User Experience and Optimal Resource Assignment

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following actions.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

Edit your Resource Request page. "Lightning App Builder" in the Salesforce Help.

In the Lightning App Builder, change the page template to Header and One Region and map the existing Right Sidebar to the new Main Region.

"Page templates" in the Salesforce Help

Delete the existing tabs that contain the following deprecated components:

  • DEPRECATED: PSA Resourcing
  • DEPRECATED: PSA Resource Schedule

Remove the standard Tabs component that contains the PSA Resource Filter, PSA Contact Card, and PSA Actions: Resource Request Details components.


If you continue without upgrading to the PSA Resourcing component, the Distance filter will continue to work in the deprecated PSA Resourcing and PSA Resource Schedule components. However, the Distance column will not display.

 "Lightning App Builder" in the Salesforce Help.
Add a tab in the main region, and then drag the PSA Resourcing component from the Custom list on to the tab.
Click Save, and exit the Lightning App Builder.

Update any permissions that you have for resource managers by adding read access to the Utilization Target field on the Contact object.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation, and click the Permissions link.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2024
Permission Set


Further Information
PSA - Staff Resource Requests Added read access to the Utilization Target field on the Contact object. Resource Request Lightning Page and Component Permissions

Resource Optimizer Enhancements

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2024.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.


Fields Added in Spring 2024

App Page

Further Information
Resource Must Match Resource Optimizer Using Resource Optimizer

Utilization Analytics Improvements

Utilization Analytics Security

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

Ensure the View All Utilization field is available in the PSA Permission Control layout. Contact your administrator, if the field is not available in the layout.

  • Permission Control Fields
  • For more information on how to add fields to layouts, search for "Customize Page Layouts with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor" in the Salesforce Help.

Ensure the following fields are available in the PS Cloud Analytics Setup layout. Contact your administrator, if the fields are not available in the layout.

  • Utilization Results Security Mode 
  • Utilization Results Hierarchy Mode
  • Utilization Results Permission Controls 

Add Read and Edit permissions for the View All Utilization field on the Permission Control object of the PSA Manage Configuration permission set.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Provide the following access on the PS Cloud Analytics Integration User Read Access permission set:

  • Add Read access for the View All Utilization field on the Permission Control object.
  • Add Read access to the Utilization Setup object.
  • Add Read access for the Active field on the Utilization Setup object.

Add Read and Edit access for the following fields on the PS Cloud Analytics Setup object:

  • Utilization Results Security Mode
  • Utilization Results Hierarchy Mode
  • Utilization Results Permission Controls

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app

Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App in Creating an App from the PS Cloud Core Analytics Template

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

Fields Added in Spring 2024



Further Information

View All Utilization

Permission Control

Permission Control Fields

Permission Sets
Permission Sets Added in Spring 2024

Permission Set


Further Information

PSA Manage Configuration

Added Read and Edit access for the View All Utilization field on the Permission Control object.

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

PS Cloud Analytics Integration User Read Access
  • Added Read access for the View All Utilization field on the Permission Control object.
  • Added Read access to the Utilization Setup object.
  • Added Read access for the Active field on the Utilization Setup object.
PS Cloud Analytics Setup

Added Read and Edit access for the following fields on the PS Cloud Analytics Setup object:

  • Utilization Results Security Mod
  • Utilization Results Hierarchy Mod
  • Utilization Results Permission Controls

For more information, see Upgrading to PS Cloud Analytics Spring 2024.

Utilization Results Reports

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2024.

Included in this Feature

Reports Added in Spring 2024


Further Information

PSA 4 Months Historical Util Results

Reporting on Utilization

PSA Hist Util Results By Month

PSA Hist Util Results By Week

PSA Sched Util Results By Month

PSA Sched Util Results By Week

Utilization Run Processed Object

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2024.

Included in this Feature

Objects Added in Spring 2024


Further Information

Utilization Run Processed

Utilization Run Processed Fields

Fields Added in Spring 2024


Further Information


Utilization Run Processed Fields

Resource Request

Utilization Run

Deprecated APIs
APIs Deprecated in Spring 2024


Further Information

isUtilizationAnalyticsTransaction API

The is UtilizationAnalyticsTransaction API in the Utilization Analytics Service has been deprecated because it is no longer in use.

Permission Sets
Permission Sets Added in Spring 2024

Permission Set


Further Information

PSA Utilization Analytics

  • Create, delete, edit, and read permissions added for the Utilization Run Processed object.
  • Read and edit permission added for the Assignment field on the Utilization Run Processed object.
  • Read and edit permission added for the Resource Request lookup field on the Utilization Run Processed object.
  • Read and edit permission added for the Utilization Run lookup field on the Utilization Run Processed object.

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.


Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2024.

Included in this Feature

Deprecated Fields
Fields Deprecated in Spring 2024


Further Information

DEPRECATED: Utilization Run

Resource Request Fields

DEPRECATED: Utilization Run

Assignment Fields

Enhancements to Delivery Tracker

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2024.

Actuals Performance Improvements

Processing Transaction Deltas in Continuous Mode

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

Import the new configuration options from the PSA Administration page.

Note: This step is mandatory.
PSA Administration
  • Add Read access for the following fields on the AsyncJobRecord object:
    • Complete
    • Failed
    • Succeeded
  • Add Read and Edit access for the following fields on the AsyncJobRecord object:
    • Error
    • Finalizer Callable Name
    • Finalizer Error
    • Finalizer Result
    • External Job Reference
    • Parameters
    • Result
Note: This step is only applicable if you have created or cloned your own permission sets.

Delete the scheduled transaction delta batch job.

Note: This upgrade step is optional.

Recalculating Resource and Project Actuals

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Buttons Added in Spring 2024



Further Information

Resume Processing


This button displays in Visualforce pages in continuous mode when you have enabled the AbortActualsCalculateDeltaContinuous configuration option, and you have unprocessed transaction deltas

Recalculating Resource and Project Actuals

Configuration Options
Configuration Options Added in Spring 2024

Configuration Option

Configuration Group

Further Information



Actuals Settings


Permission Sets
Permission Sets Added in Spring 2024

Permission Set


Further Information

PSA - Recalculate Actuals

We have added Read access for the following fields on the AsyncJobRecord object:

  • Complete
  • Failed
  • Succeeded

We have added Read and Edit access for the following fields on the AsyncJobRecord object:

  • Error
  • Finalizer Callable Name 
  • Finalizer Error
  • Finalizer Result
  • External Job Reference
  • Parameters
  • Result

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Display Resource Availability Information in Gantt

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

Add the following fields to any custom permission sets you are using for Gantt:

  • Milestone field on the Assignment and Resource Request objects.
  • Planned Hours field on the Assignment object.
  • Scheduled Hours field on the Assignment object.
  • Start Date and End Date fields on the Schedule object.

These fields are present in the packaged PSA - Manage Gantt and Project Tasks permission set.

Managing Resources and Roles

Gantt Buttons, Controls, and Fields

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been updated in this release.

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2024
Permission Set


Further Information
PSA - Manage Gantt and Project Tasks

We have added Read access for the following fields:

  • Milestone field on the Assignment and Resource Request objects
  • Planned Hours field on the Assignment object
  • Scheduled Hours field on the Assignment object

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

Display Resource Information on the Project Task Board

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2024.

Track Consumption of Individual Budgets

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

Work through the fields listed below (Fields) and add them to the page layouts of the respective objects. For information on editing page layouts, see the Salesforce Help.

By default, the Budget Allocation Layout includes fields to specify a customer purchase order budget and one internal budget. If you expect to proportionally split cost values between two or three internal budgets, add the following fields to the Budget Allocation Layout page layout:

  • Internal Budget 2

  • Internal Budget 2 Percent Allocation

  • Internal Budget 3

  • Internal Budget 3 Percent Allocation

Add the Budget Allocations related list to your project page layout.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Custom Objects

Custom Objects Added in Spring 2024
Object Label Description

Further Information

Budget Allocation Links milestones and timecard splits to customer purchase order budgets and internal budgets. Budget Allocation Fields


Fields Added in Spring 2024



Further Information

Amount Consumed Budget Budget Fields
Customer Reference
Budget Allocation Milestone Milestone Fields
Budget Allocation Timecard Split Timecard Split Fields
Customer Reference Billing Event Billing Event Fields
Customer Reference Billing Event Item Billing Event Item Fields

Automatically Split Billing Events That Would Breach the Billing Cap

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

Ensure that the Disable Billing Closer to Cap field in the Billing Settings custom setting is deselected. Billing Settings
If you are not using the Billing Event Lightning Page, add the Release quick action to the page layout used by the Lightning page that is assigned to your users. For information on adding quick actions to page layouts in Lightning Experience, see the Salesforce Help.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.


Custom Fields Added in Spring 2024
Custom Setting


Further Information
Billing Settings Disable Billing Closer to Cap Billing Settings

Lightning Actions

Lightning Actions Added in Spring 2024
Lightning Action

Page Layout

Further Information
Release Billing Event Layout Releasing Single Billing Events When Billing Is Capped

Project Assignments Breakdown

Upgrade Steps

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

Ensure that relevant users are assigned the Certinia - PSA - Project Manager permission set group. Project Assignments Breakdown Fields

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

Lightning Components

Lightning Components Added in Spring 2024

Lightning Page

Further Information
PSA Project Assignments Breakdown Project Lightning Page Project Assignments Breakdown Fields


Custom Fields Added in Spring 2024
Custom Setting


Further Information
Project Financials Settings Timecard Statuses - Hours Project Financials Settings

Improvements to Delegated Time and Expense Entry

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2024.

Time Entry Start and End Times

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

[Optional] To enable entering time in Start and End Times mode for your users, you must:

  1. In Setup, navigate to Object Manager.
  2. Navigate to Work Calendar, Fields and Relationships, and Available Time Entry Modes.
  3. In Values, click New and enter Start and End Times. This field is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In Object Manager, navigate to Work Calendar | Page Layout.
  6. Add the Available Time Entry Modes field to the page layout.

Your Start and End Times value is now available to select from the Available Time Entry Modes picklist on the Work Calendar.

To enable the Start and End Times mode for users, you must:

  • Select Start and End Times mode on Available Time Entry Modes, from the Work Calendar.
  • Assign users the following permissions:
    • PSA - Enter Time Against Project and Assignment

    • PSA - Start and Stop Timers

Setting up Start and End Times Mode for Timecards

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2024
Permission Set


Further Information
PSA - Start and Stop Timers Location Setting up Start and End Times Mode for Timecards
Project Location


Fields Added in Spring 2024


Further Information
End Time Timecard Time Entry Lightning Component Fields
Start Time
Available Time Entry Modes: Start and End Time Work Calendar Work Calendar Fields

Filtering Resources by Distance

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024            


Further Information

Before trying to set up Google API keys in your org, ensure that you have a Google account and a geocoding API key. You can obtain this from the Google Maps Platform. Setting up PSA to Filter Resources by Distance
Ensure that you have Google Maps activated to enable the geocoding services in your org.
Ensure that the Googlemaps_api remote site setting is activated.
Ensure that the Work Address fields on the Resource Request page are not blank. To auto-populate the Latitude and Longitude values on the Resource Request page, ensure that Geocoding Services are enabled in the PSA Administration tab.
Ensure that you have activated the Geocodes for Contact Mailing Address.
Select Show Distance Filter in the Resource Filter panel of Lightning App Builder for the PSA Resourcing component. This is deselected by default. Resourcing Lightning Component Properties
Add the Maximum Distance and Distance Unit fields to relevant page layouts, profiles, and permission sets. You would also need the Work Address fields on the resource requests page and the Mailing Address fields on the Contact page. For more information on how to do this, see the Salesforce Help.

Permission Checks for Resource Request Set

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024            


Further Information

To enable users to use the Actions | Manage Resource Request Set action on the Resource Request page, ensure that the following permissions sets are assigned to users and set the correct access in them:

  • PSA - Manage Resource Requests for an Opportunity

  • PSA - Manage Resource Requests for a Project

Salesforce Standard Objects and Fields Permissions in the PSA Technical Pack.

Ensure the following permissions for the relevant users:

  • Read, Create, and Edit permissions on the Resource Request Set object

  • Read and Edit permission for the following fields on the Resource Request Sets object:

    • Account

    • Master Resource Request

    • Opportunity

    • Project

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.


Fields Added in Spring 2024


Further Information
Maximum Distance Resource Request Resource Request Fields
Distance Unit

Lightning Component Properties

Lightning Component Properties Added in Spring 2024
Name Description Further Information
Maximum Distance The maximum limit of the distance between the location of the resource and the resource request site.

Resourcing Lightning Component Properties

Distance Unit The unit of distance.
Show Distance Filter If selected, the location based resourcing is enabled and the Maximum Distance and Distance Unit fields are visible in the Resource Filter component. This is deselected by default.

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2024

Permission Set Description Further Information
PSA - Manage Resource Requests for an Opportunity
  • We have added Read and Edit permission for the following fields on the Resource Request Object:

    • Maximum Distance

    • Distance Unit

  • We have added Read, Create, and Edit permissions on the Resource Request Set object.

  • We have added Read and Edit permission for the following fields on the Resource Request Set object:

    • Account

    • Master Resource Request

    • Opportunity

    • Project

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

PSA - Manage Resource Requests for a Project

Enhancements to PSA Mobile Application

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2024  


Further Information

You must create appropriate approval processes on objects in your org to enable your users to approve or reject records. The system assigns records to users through an active approval process.

Setting up Workflow and Approval Processes

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Lightning Components

Lightning Components Added in Spring 2024


Further Information
PSA Mass Approval Mobile Approve, reject, or reassign single or multiple expense report approval requests and timecard approval requests on your mobile application. PSA Lightning Components
PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Mobile Manage Skills and Certifications on your mobile application.

Lightning Component Properties

Lightning Component Properties Added in Spring 2024


Further Information
Allow Reassign Enable or disable the reassign approval requests functionality. By default, this functionality is set to false. Mass Approval Mobile Lightning Component Properties
Component Title Title for the PSA Mass Approval component.
Detail View Field Set API Name Enter the API name of the Field Set that contains the fields you want to display on the detail view.
Filter Field Set API Name Enter the API name of the Field Set that contains the fields you want to provide for filtering.
List View Field Set API Name Enter the API name of the Field Set that contains the fields you want to display on the list view and to use for sorting.
Object API Name The API name of the object that you want to provide the records for approval.
Record Batch Size The maximum number of records to be approved or rejected in a single batch.


Buttons Added in Spring 2024

Button Location Further Information


  • Expense Reports to Approve

  • Timecards to Approve







  • My Skills

  • My Certifications

Skills Management Fields
  • My Skills

  • My Certifications

  • My Aspirations

  • My Skills

  • My Certifications

  • My Skills

  • My Certifications

Lightning Tabs

Lightning Tabs Added in Spring 2024

Tabs Description Further Information
Expense Reports to Approve Allows you to approve, reject, or reassign single or multiple expense report approval requests on your mobile phone. Setting up the PSA Mobile Application
Timecards to Approve Allows you to approve, reject, or reassign single or multiple timecard approval requests on your mobile phone.
Manage Skills and Certifications Allows you to manage your skills and certifications on your mobile phone.

Release Content

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade steps for Spring 2024


Further Information

Reset the metrics of the Release Overview prompt to ensure that users see this prompt again with its updated content if they have previously dismissed or completed it.

Monitor In-App Guidance in Lightning Experience in the Salesforce Help

PSA In-App Guidance

Activate the Time Entry Page TH prompt.  Managing Certinia In-App Guidance
Deactivate any deprecated prompts that are active in your org.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

In-App Guidance

PSA In-App Guidance Deprecated in Spring 2024







DEPRECATED: Approve or Reject Timecards PSA Approve Multiple Timecards Docked No Spring 2021
DEPRECATED: Release Overview PSA Home Docked No Fall 2020
DEPRECATED: Time Entry Page TH PSA Time Entry Floating No Fall 2020