Billing Central Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class BillingDocumentArchivingService

This class provides services deleting billing documents which have been archived by Accounting.



global static ffbc.BillingDocumentArchivingService.Response processArchivedBillingDocuments(ffbc.BillingDocumentArchivingService.Configuration config)

This method runs the batches required to delete billing documents which are waiting to be deleted after having been marked as archived by Accounting.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
config ffbc.BillingDocumentArchivingService.Configuration An empty BillingDocumentArchivingService.Configuration object which might be expanded in the future to contain configuration required to define the behavior of the process.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
BillingCentralException An exception is thrown if:
- Accounting is not installed
- The user calling BillingDocumentArchivingService.processArchivedBillingDocuments has insufficient permissions

Return Value

A BillingDocumentArchivingService.Response object which in the future might contain information about the process that has been run.


global with sharing class Configuration

ffbc.BillingDocumentArchivingService.Configuration for the billing document archiving process. This currently has no properties but is included to allow the API to be extended in the future.



global Configuration()


global with sharing class Response

ffbc.BillingDocumentArchivingService.Response from the billing document archiving process. This currently has no properties but is included to allow the API to be extended in the future.



global Response()

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