ffbc.OrderToContractServiceglobal with sharing class OrderToContractService Service class that provides functionality for the Order to Contract integration. Methods
canPrepareContractsglobal static List<ffbc.OrderToContractService.CanPrepareContractResult> canPrepareContracts(List<Id> orderIds) Check the specified orders are valid for contracts to be prepared, and that the org is correctly setup. Input Parameters
Return ValueList of CanPrepareContractResults containing the success state and any errors. prepareContractsglobal static List<ffbc.OrderToContractService.PrepareContractResult> prepareContracts(List<Id> orderIds) Prepare contracts from the given order IDs. Input Parameters
Return ValueList of PrepareContractResults containing the success state and any errors. ffbc.OrderToContractService.CanPrepareContractResultglobal with sharing class CanPrepareContractResult Result of checking if a contract can be prepared from a single Order ID. Methods
CanPrepareContractResultglobal CanPrepareContractResult() Construct a successful result with no errors. getErrorsglobal List<String> getErrors() Return ValueList of errors preventing a contract being prepared. withErrorglobal ffbc.OrderToContractService.CanPrepareContractResult withError(String error) Add the specified error to the result, and mark it as failed. Input Parameters
Return ValueResult instance to allow chaining methods. ffbc.OrderToContractService.PrepareContractResultglobal with sharing class PrepareContractResult Result of preparing a contract from a single order ID. Methods
getErrorsglobal List<ffbc.OrderToContractService.PrepareContractError> getErrors() Return ValueList of resulting errors. withContractIdglobal ffbc.OrderToContractService.PrepareContractResult withContractId(Id contractId) Specify the ID of the resulting contract. Input Parameters
Return ValueResult instance to allow chaining methods. withErrorglobal ffbc.OrderToContractService.PrepareContractResult withError(ffbc.OrderToContractService.PrepareContractError error) Add the specified PrepareContractError object to the result. Input Parameters
Return ValueResult instance to allow chaining methods. withErrorglobal ffbc.OrderToContractService.PrepareContractResult withError(String message) Add the specified error message text to the result. Input Parameters
Return ValueResult instance to allow chaining methods. ffbc.OrderToContractService.PrepareContractErrorglobal with sharing class PrepareContractError An error resulting from attempting to prepare a contract. Methods
PrepareContractErrorglobal PrepareContractError(String message) Construct an error with the given message. Input Parameters
PrepareContractErrorglobal PrepareContractError(String path, String message) Construct an error with the given path and message. Input Parameters