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global with sharing class DefaultDocumentTextsService

This class provides service functionality for the Default Document Text object.



global static ffbc.DefaultDocumentTextsService.DefaultDocumentText load()

Retrieves a wrapper object representing the default document text.

Return Value

The wrapper object representing the default document text. If no default document text exists, the object's fields are blank.


global static Id save(ffbc.DefaultDocumentTextsService.DefaultDocumentText text)

Updates the default document text with the values provided. If default document text already exists, it is overwritten.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
text ffbc.DefaultDocumentTextsService.DefaultDocumentText The wrapper for the default document text to be saved.

Return Value

The Id of the the default document text.


global with sharing class DefaultDocumentText

This class wraps a set of default document text.


Name Type Description
InvoiceHeaderText String The default invoice header text for billing documents.
InvoiceFooterText String The default invoice footer text for billing documents.
CreditNoteHeaderText String The default credit note header text for billing documents.
CreditNoteFooterText String The default credit note footer text for billing documents.



global DefaultDocumentText()

The default constructor for a DefaultDocumentText object.

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