Billing Central Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class LookupService

This class provides lists of wrappers which represent lookup field values.

This class contains deprecated items.



global static List<ffbc.LookupService.Identity> getIdentities(ffbc.LookupService.IdentityRequest request)

Queries the identities of records of any SObject type.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request ffbc.LookupService.IdentityRequest The parameters for the query.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
System.QueryException An exception is thrown when using this service with an SObject with an encrypted Name field.

Return Value

The list of identities of the records matching the query.


The following items are deprecated and not supported for use. We recommend that you stop using these items to avoid exceptions.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated. Use a standard Salesforce query instead.

global static List<ffbc.LookupService.Identity> getAccountsWithIds(Set<Id> accountIds)

Query the ID and Name fields of each account that has an ID, which is in the list of IDs provided.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
accountIds Set<Id> A list of IDs to query against.

Return Value

The list of identities of the accounts.


Deprecated: This method has been deprecated. Use a standard Salesforce query instead.

global static List<ffbc.LookupService.Identity> getAccountsWithNameLike(String name)

Query the ID and Name fields of all accounts where the name contains the string provided.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
name String The string that the Name of the Account must contain to be returned.

Return Value

The list of identities of the accounts, ordered by name.


Deprecated: This method has been deprecated. Use a standard Salesforce query instead.

global static List<ffbc.LookupService.Identity> getCompanies()

Query the ID and Name fields of all companies.

Return Value

The list of identities of the companies.


Deprecated: This method has been deprecated. Use a standard Salesforce query instead.

global static List<ffbc.LookupService.Identity> getTaxCodes()

Query the ID and Name fields of all tax codes.

Return Value

The list of identities of the tax codes.


Deprecated: This method has been deprecated. Use a standard Salesforce query instead.

global static List<ffbc.LookupService.Identity> getUnitsOfMeasure()

Query the ID and Name fields of all units of measure.

Return Value

The list of identities of the units of measure.


global with sharing class Identity

This class models a lookup field value. This class is marked as serializable and deserializable to work around an issue in enforcing JsonAccess for Visualforce remoting requests. Warning: Do not rely on any behavior available via serializing as or deserializing from JSON that is not part of the global API because it might be subject to change.


Name Type Description
ObjectId Id The Salesforce ID of the SObject being represented.
Name String The Name of the SObject being represented.
ViewUrl String The URL of the view page for the SObject being represented.



global Identity()

The default constructor for an Identity object.


global with sharing class IdentityRequest

This class contains the parameters for a query to obtain arbitrary SObject identities.


Name Type Description
SObjectType String The name of the SObject type for which to retrieve identities. When specifying object types from packages other than Billing Central, the namespace prefix must be included.
NameLike String Part or whole record names on which to filter.



global IdentityRequest()

The default constructor for this object.

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