Billing Central Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class ContractsServiceActionApplyChangeRequest

Invocable action to allow change requests to be applied using clicks-not-code customisations. For the API exposing this functionality, see ContractsService.applyChangeRequests For information about using the invocable method in a flow, search for "Apex action" in the Certinia Help.



global static List<ffbc.ContractsServiceActionApplyChangeRequest.Response> applyChangeRequests(List<ffbc.ContractsServiceActionApplyChangeRequest.Request> requests)

Apply Change Requests to active contracts.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
requests List<ffbc.ContractsServiceActionApplyChangeRequest.Request> List of request objects containing the change requests to be applied.


global with sharing class Request

This class wraps the change requests to be applied and the application criteria.


Name Type Description
changeRequestId Id The ID of a change request to be applied.
disableCrediting Boolean True if Billing Central should avoid creating a credit note when applying the change request.
generateSchedules Boolean True if the billing schedules should be generated on applying the change request using the default settings. If false no schedules will be generated.



global Request()

The default constructor for a Request.


global with sharing class Response

The response to a request to apply a change request. This contains the change request being applied, the ID of any credit note generated as a result of applying the change request, and the errors if the change request could not be applied.


Name Type Description
changeRequestId Id The ID of a change request that the action tried to apply.
hasErrors Boolean True if there was an error applying the change request.
errorMessage String Error message if the change request was not applied successfully.
creditNoteId Id The ID of any credit note created by applying the change request, or null if none was created.



global Response()

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