Billing Central Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class ChangeRequestsAsyncService implements API

This class provides services for automated application of change requests to active contracts via a background process.



global static Id applyChangeRequestsAsync(ffbc.ChangeRequestsAsyncService.ApplyChangeRequestsRequest request)

Applies the change requests specified in the request via a background process. Creates credit notes for periods that have been billed in advance, unless crediting has been disabled in the request. A separate background process is then started to create billing schedules for the contracts, for the number of months specifed in the request.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request ffbc.ChangeRequestsAsyncService.ApplyChangeRequestsRequest Wrapper containing the change request to be applied and the criteria for generating billing schedules.

Return Value

Id The ID for the background process that is processing the change requests


global with sharing class ApplyChangeRequestsRequest

This class wraps the criteria to be used when applying change requests to contracts.


Name Type Description
ChangeRequestIds Set<Id> The IDs of the change requests to be applied.
MonthsToGenerate Integer The number of future months for which to create billing schedules. If not provided, the default determined by the Billing Schedule Number of Months field of the Billing Central Settings custom setting is used. This must be a whole number from 0 to 99.
DisableCreditingByChangeRequestIds Map<Id, Boolean> Whether to disable automatically generating credit notes for certain change requests. If a change request ID is included in this map with the value `true`, Billing Central will not automatically generate credit notes when applying that change request. If this map is null, or a change request ID is not included in the map, or a change request ID is included in the map with a value of `false`, then Billing Central will automatically generate credit notes when applying that change request.



global ApplyChangeRequestsRequest()

The default constructor for an ApplyChangeRequestsRequest.

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