global with sharing class OpportunityToContractService
Service class that provides functionality for the Opportunity to Contract integration.
global static ffbc.OpportunityToContractService.ConvertResponse convert(ffbc.OpportunityToContractService.ConvertRequest request)
Converts an Opportunity record to a Billing Central Contract record by mapping the values as defined by the BC Field Mappings metadata. There are multiple types of conversion that can happen, depending on the Opportunity To Contract Configuration metadata. The conversions are: - New Contract: A new draft contract is created from the details on the opportunity. - Renewal Contract: A new draft contract is created as a renewal from the details on the opportunity. - Replacement Contract: A new draft contract is created from the details on the opportunity and the existing contract is ended. - Upsell Contract: The existing contract is updated with the new lines on the opportunity, and a copy is saved as a superseded contract. Billing documents that are not yet completed are cleared and the schedules are generated for the new contract lines.
Input Parameters
Exceptions Thrown
BillingCentralException |
There are no active Opportunity To Contract configurations. |
BillingCentralException |
There are multiple active Opportunity To Contract configurations. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity To Contract Configuration Opportunity Object field is not referencing the Opportunity SObject. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity To Contract Configuration Process Trigger field is blank. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity To Contract Configuration Process Action field is blank. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity To Contract Configuration Process Trigger field and Process Action field reference the same SObjectField. |
BillingCentralException |
Any Opportunity To Contract Configuration Process Action Value is duplicated. |
BillingCentralException |
The running user does not have permission to update the Contract lookup on Opportunity. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as a Renewal and the Original Opportunity field is blank. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as a Renewal and the Contract field on the associated Original Opportunity is blank. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as a Renewal and the Contract associated with the Original Opportunity is not in Active or Expired status. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as a Replacement and the Original Opportunity field is blank. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as a Replacement and the Contract field on the associated Original Opportunity is blank. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as a Replacement and the Contract associated with the Original Opportunity is not in Active status. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as an Upsell and the Original Opportunity field is blank. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as an Upsell and the Contract field on the associated Original Opportunity is blank. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as an Upsell and the Contract associated with the Original Opportunity is not in Active status. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as an Upsell and the Contract associated with the Original Opportunity has status different from Active. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as an Upsell and the Contract associated with the Original Opportunity has an open Change request related. |
BillingCentralException |
The Opportunity is converted as an Upsell and there are too many unbilled data records to clear. |
Return Value
OpportunityToContractService.ConvertResponse The response from the service. This could contain errors and successfully created contracts.
global with sharing class ConvertRequest
The request object that provides inputs to the convert service.
OpportunityIds |
Set<Id> |
The IDs of Opportunity records for which to create Contract records.
global with sharing class ConvertResponse extends Response
The response object returned by the convert service. Contains errors and successfully created contracts.
ContractsByOpportunity |
Map<Id, Id> |
Read only. Maps the ID of each successfully converted opportunity to the ID of the contract associated with it.