Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Budget Allocation

A budget allocation for a PSA project. Contains lookups to groups of each budget type with a percentage allocation for each budget in the group. Can be used by milestones and other business records to control and track how the project budgets are consumed.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Billable_Expenses_Budget__c Billable Expenses Budget Summer 2024 A billable expenses budget. Represents the amount of money on the project allocated to billable expenses.

Looks up to: Budget__c
Customer_Purchase_Order__c Customer Purchase Order Spring 2024 A customer purchase order budget. Represents the amount of money on a purchase order that the customer has raised to spend on the project.

Looks up to: Budget__c
Internal_Budget_1_Percent_Formula__c Internal Budget 1 Percent Allocation Spring 2024 The percentage of internal costs that will be allocated to internal budget 1.

IF( ISBLANK( Internal_Budget_1__c ) , 0, 1 - (Internal_Budget_2_Percent_Allocation__c + Internal_Budget_3_Percent_Allocation__c))
Internal_Budget_1__c Internal Budget 1 Spring 2024 An internal cost budget.

Looks up to: Budget__c
Internal_Budget_2_Percent_Allocation__c Internal Budget 2 Percent Allocation Spring 2024 The percentage of internal costs that will be allocated to internal budget 2.

Internal_Budget_2__c Internal Budget 2 Spring 2024 An internal cost budget.

Looks up to: Budget__c
Internal_Budget_3_Percent_Allocation__c Internal Budget 3 Percent Allocation Spring 2024 The percentage of internal costs that will be allocated to internal budget 3.

Internal_Budget_3__c Internal Budget 3 Spring 2024 An internal cost budget.

Looks up to: Budget__c
Is_Default__c Default Summer 2024 If selected, this budget allocation will be used to track budget consumption within the project if no other budget allocation applies.

Checkbox false
Non_Billable_Expenses_Budget__c Non-Billable Expenses Budget Summer 2024 A non-billable expenses budget. Represents the amount of money on the project allocated to non-billable expenses.

Looks up to: Budget__c
Project__c Project Spring 2024 The project relating to the budget allocation.

Looks up to: Proj__c

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