Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Utilization Detail

Contains utilization details for a single region, practice, group, or resource. PSA calculates utilization as a percentage: the number of hours resources have billed, divided into the number of billable hours in a given time period. If configured, utilization also calculates the number of hours resources are assigned in the future (held against resource requests), or aggregates requested and assigned hours by role. Utilization calculations have a master-detail relationship with utilization details. Run utilization reports on the information stored in this object to understand how utilized your resources are in comparison with their work calendar hours.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Group__c Group Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Grp__c
Hist_Sch_Billable_Hours__c Historical Scheduled Billable Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Hist_Sch_Credited_Hours__c Historical Scheduled Credited Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Hist_Sch_Excluded_Hours__c Historical Scheduled Excluded Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Hist_Sch_Held_Hours__c Historical Scheduled Held Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Hist_Sch_Non_Billable_Hours__c Historical Scheduled Non-Billable Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Historical_Billable_Hours__c Historical Billable Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Historical_Calendar_Hours__c Historical Calendar Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Historical_Credited_Hours__c Historical Credited Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Historical_End_Date__c Historical End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Historical_Excluded_Hours__c Historical Excluded Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Historical_Non_Billable_Hours__c Historical Non-Billable Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Historical_Start_Date__c Historical Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Historical_Utilization_Billable_Only__c Historical Utilization (Billable Only) Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF ( AND( (Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Historical_Billable_Hours__c > 0) ), 1, IF ( AND( (Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Historical_Billable_Hours__c= 0) ), 0, ((Historical_Billable_Hours__c) / (Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c)) ) )
Historical_Utilization_Target_Attainment__c Historical Utilization Target Attainment Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Historical_Utilization_Target__c = 0, IF(Historical_Utilization__c <= 0,0,1), Historical_Utilization__c / Historical_Utilization_Target__c )
Historical_Utilization_Target_Hours__c Historical Utilization Target Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Historical_Utilization_Target__c Historical Utilization Target Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Historical_Calendar_Hours__c = 0, 0, Historical_Utilization_Target_Hours__c / Historical_Calendar_Hours__c )
Historical_Utilization__c Historical Utilization Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF ( AND( (Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Historical_Billable_Hours__c + Historical_Credited_Hours__c > 0) ), 1, IF ( AND( (Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Historical_Billable_Hours__c + Historical_Credited_Hours__c = 0) ), 0, ((Historical_Billable_Hours__c + Historical_Credited_Hours__c) / (Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c)) ) )
Is_Report_Master__c Is Report Master Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF (Utilization_Calculation__r.Is_Report_Master__c, 'true', 'false')
Practice__c Practice Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Practice__c
Region__c Region Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Region__c
Resource__c Resource Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Contact

Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c Scheduled Billable Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c Scheduled Calendar Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Scheduled_Credited_Hours__c Scheduled Credited Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Scheduled_End_Date__c Scheduled End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c Scheduled Excluded Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Scheduled_Held_Hours__c Scheduled Held Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Scheduled_Non_Billable_Hours__c Scheduled Non-Billable Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Non-billable hours from assignments that are not credited or excluded

Number(18,2) 0
Scheduled_Start_Date__c Scheduled Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Scheduled_Utilization_Billable_Only__c Scheduled Utilization (Billable Only) Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF ( AND( (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c > 0) ), 1, IF ( AND( (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c= 0) ), 0, ((Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c) / (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c)) ) )
Scheduled_Utilization_Target_Attainment__c Scheduled Utilization Target Attainment Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Scheduled_Utilization_Target__c = 0, IF(Scheduled_Utilization__c <= 0,0,1), Scheduled_Utilization__c / Scheduled_Utilization_Target__c )
Scheduled_Utilization_Target_Hours__c Scheduled Utilization Target Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Scheduled_Utilization_Target__c Scheduled Utilization Target Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c = 0, 0, Scheduled_Utilization_Target_Hours__c / Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c )
Scheduled_Utilization__c Scheduled Utilization Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF ( AND( (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c + Scheduled_Credited_Hours__c > 0) ), 1, IF ( AND( (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c + Scheduled_Credited_Hours__c = 0) ), 0, ((Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c + Scheduled_Credited_Hours__c) / (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c)) ) )
Template_Key__c Template Key Pre-Spring 2018 PSE internal field. Not intended for display.

Time_Period_Type__c Time Period Type Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Time_Period__c Time Period Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Time_Period__c
Total_Utilization_Billable_Only__c Total Utilization (Billable Only) Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF ( AND( (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c + Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c + Historical_Billable_Hours__c > 0) ), 1, IF ( AND( (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c + Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c + Historical_Billable_Hours__c = 0) ), 0, ((Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c + Historical_Billable_Hours__c) / (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c + Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c)) ) )
Total_Utilization__c Total Utilization Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF ( AND( (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c + Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c + Historical_Billable_Hours__c + Scheduled_Credited_Hours__c + Historical_Credited_Hours__c > 0) ), 1, IF ( AND( (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c + Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c) = 0, (Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c + Historical_Billable_Hours__c + Scheduled_Credited_Hours__c + Historical_Credited_Hours__c = 0) ), 0, ((Scheduled_Billable_Hours__c + Historical_Billable_Hours__c + Scheduled_Credited_Hours__c + Historical_Credited_Hours__c) / (Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c + Historical_Calendar_Hours__c - Scheduled_Excluded_Hours__c - Historical_Excluded_Hours__c)) ) )
Type__c Type Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Group by Practice
Group by Region
Practice by Group
Practice by Region
Region by Group
Region by Practice
Utilization_Calculation__c Utilization Calculation Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Utilization_Calculation__c
Utilization_Target_Attainment__c Utilization Target Attainment Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Utilization_Target__c = 0, IF(Total_Utilization__c <= 0,0,1), Total_Utilization__c / Utilization_Target__c )
Utilization_Target_Hours__c Utilization Target Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0
Utilization_Target__c Utilization Target Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Historical_Calendar_Hours__c + Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c = 0, 0, Utilization_Target_Hours__c / ( Historical_Calendar_Hours__c + Scheduled_Calendar_Hours__c) )

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