Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Internal

Internal PSE settings. Only change these settings after consulting Certinia Customer Support.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Actuals_Lock__c Actuals Lock Pre-Spring 2018 If true, a process is currently verifying or calculating actuals in bulk. During this time, creation and modification of Transaction__c records that are marked Included_In_Financials__c is disallowed.

Checkbox false
Actuals_Verifier_Current_Step__c Actuals Verifier Current Step Fall 2021 Maintains the current step value in the actuals verification process.

Text(30) '1'
Is_Dev_Org__c DEPRECATED: Is Dev Org Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
prefix__c DEPRECATED: Prefix Pre-Spring 2018 Text(20)

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